This was actually a pretty quick and easy NS, most surprising. [hider=My Hider] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Name of Faction:[/b] The Lost Legion/The Forgotten (The Rats as an insult) [b]Platform:[/b] Populist - people who have become disenfranchised with the American Dream and believe themselves to be those who Lady Liberty left behind and those who were abandoned by nation such as the homeless, the impoverished and the imprisoned. They are not however to be confused with Communists. [b]Important Individuals:[/b] Justin Adkins, the Homeless King Alicia Woods-Adkins, the Homeless Queen Commander Tyrell Jones Commander Eric Donatello Sec. Frank Abignail [b]Territory:[/b] The North Eastern Seaboard, particularly in the major cities. [b]History[/b] The Lost Legion was never born out of any grand political scheme or the desire to ignite some form of change, but instead for the simplest of all reasons: survival. As order began to break down in cities and America began to fail, many found themselves forced into poverty. Those already in poverty found themselves devoid of any possessions and forced on to the streets. It was these homeless who found themselves flooding parks and streets. When protests and riots broke out, they fled into sewers and subways to hide from the chaos above. Among the needy arose a man named Just Adkins, self styled “Homeless King”. He found himself at the head of a growing horde of needy people who now began to call for the heads of those who abandoned them in favor of the rich, the corporations, the bureaucracy. As the situation in America deteriorated more and more, Adkins and his “Forgotten” became more and more active, making themselves known. At first it was public preaching as they lacked resources to do much else. Soon they gained support and with support came resources. They took their message online where tens of thousands became exposed to the Forgotten. Many of those would join them in person or in spirit as informants and agents in other places as America was on its last legs. Their web grew, their influence reaching more and more places, gaining the sympathy masses. Then, when America fell, the Forgotten took the streets in the looting and arming that so many others did. But when they raided police stations and armories, they found little resistance. They found supporters in people who worked in such places and they weakened the resistance if not just allowed the Forgotten to waltz on in. Now armed, Adkins sought to increase his newly christened “Lost Legion” (a name given to them from an online user) even more. Through various gang contacts, he secured the cooperations of the various organized crime mobs and rackets but under the condition that he free the prisoners within his growing realm. If he freed the prisoners, they would keep them in line. The only problem was that despite all their influence, the Lost Legion hadn’t convinced any prisons meaning that they would have to fight their way into them. The first real taste of battle saw a wave of screaming men and women in cobbled together and looted equipment attack prisons like a particularly violent LARP group. In all, little over a hundred people lost their lives in the prison battles but the prisoners were free. And so the north eastern syndicates where pleased, swearing allegiance to the Lost Legion as cities and towns began to fly their flag, the Forlorn Banner: America may have forgotten them back then, but America will certainly remember them now. [b]Military Forces:[/b] Having nothing to loose and everything to gain, the Lost Legion knows what true suffering is like. Made up of desperate people and homeless veterans, their ranks are quiet nicely padded with a mass of militia and an more professional-like elite corps of former veterans. Having gotten used to the struggles of poverty and homelessness, their soldiers are tough and durable. They fight like cornered rats, and the Lost Legion has many, many rats. The Lost Legion’s primary tactics involve two things, Surprise and Numbers. Lost Legion soldiers will often preform “subterranean uprisings” which they crawl out of subway tunnels and sewers in force to overwhelm the enemy. While formerly homeless vets have given the Lost Legion a solid base of leadership and seasoned soldiers, they lack the ex-US Military support that other factions do meaning that they are very reliant on small unit tactics and have otherwise simple large scale strategies. Influence is also a more unconventional weapon used by the Forgotten. The Forlorn Banner attracts many who are desperate but don’t wish to be enslaved to the communists or other factions. They are rumored to have agents everywhere and sympathizers in places where they do not. Masters at repurposing, rebuilt vehicles can often be seen in the use of the Lost Legion: old school buses being used as APCs, trains being turned into underground tanks, catapults mounted on the backs of pick up trucks, tractor trailers being used as giant rams or mobile bunkers. And while individually most of the Lost Legion is under equipped, they grit their teeth and continue on anyways. What good is living when you have nothing to live for? [/hider]