[@Animera] Collin continued knocking after about a minute, but eventually found his efforts fruitless. [color=fff200][i]Welp, that's all I can do.[/i][/color] He gave one final, hard, loud knock on the door and sighed. [i][color=fff200]Guess I'll just chill out or shoot the dude an email, telling them I'm here.[/color][/i] His hand went to his phone and he brought up his gMail app. As he began typing up an email to the address that called him hear, he caught someone out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head towards the newcomer to get a better view of them. It was a girl, if Collin were to guess, she was around the same age as him, perhaps a bit younger and still in high school. She had brilliant red hair that seemed to burn with a sort of elegance. Her stance was cautious as she approached him and the facility, holding her suitcase tight to her body. While not afraid, she was definitely on her guard, ready to act quickly if need be. Quite the opposite of how Collin approached the facility. [color=fff200]"Hey-o,"[/color] Collin said casually, giving a little salute to the girl. [color=fff200]"How's it going? You trying to get in here too?"[/color]