Character: Steve Level: 1 Day/Time: Day Two; Noon Location: Streets, Save Point, Barrel Roll Pub, Smash Arena Tag: [@Crosswire][@DracoLunaris] Mention: Steve looked at the first man to sit beside him. He had asked Moxxxi what the currency was before seemingly being taken aback at Steve's blocky appearance. Soon after, though, another man joined them, revealing his large number of gold coins. Steve was taken aback by the an's offer and knowledge of his home. "Thank you." he smiled, scratching the back of his head. "I'm new around here and I know nothing outside of my homeland." He took a seat by the man, smiling, wondering what exactly was going to happen. "I heard something about an arena but I don't know anything abour it. It might be a good place for me to start earning money. All I need is some leather and some wood and I can make myself a sword and some armor."