Kitt only briefly noted the short silence she and Ryobi stood in for a few moments before he gave her his answer. She in turn gave a nod or two of her head as she changed directions and followed behind him instead. This wasn't exactly what she had been ordered to do, but the task was similar enough; and she figured the Captain couldn't be terribly angry with her if she came back with two of his Officers in tow. At his inquiry, Kitt gave a sad sigh, or what sounded like one. She brought her hands up to her chest and sort of fiddled with them, uncomfortable as much as a robot could be. "Well, sir... I've seen a few of them on the way here from the Captain's office. Officers Karsh, Windham, and Hedrych all did not make it... And Officers Gris and Davis, they were in really bad shape when I left them. I'm sure they've been taken to the med bay already," she added confidently. "Dr. Widmher and some of the orderly bots have secured their offices, so they're safe there for now. I just hope the doctor will be able to treat them in time..." She wasn't sure what lay ahead for her and Officer Ito; after all, they were in the sector holding the prisoners' cells. It was a short walk to the warden's office, but who knew what could still be lurking around? She had turned her scanners back on, but she would be helpless against an attack. And so would the Officer, unless he could find something to use as a weapon. [hr][color=#ddd1be]"How did that feel, huh?" Hot breath, unpleasant and unwelcome, against her ear. Thick, steel cuffs cutting into her wrists, binding her arms behind her back to the armrest of her desk chair. There was something else hot, and wet, dripping down her face from her temple; what she could only assume was blood from an open wound from an earlier blow to the head. It had made everything fuzzy, a blurry filter covering her eyes as she tried to gather herself coherent. Weakly, she tried tugging against the cuffs, and through her strands of long brunette hair, her eyes lazily wandered around her for some idea of escape. Janetta Pryce was being held hostage in her own [url=]office[/url] . How fucking shameful. Suddenly a strong hand grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at her assailant, who was now shouting for her attention. "Look at me, dammit!" Timothy Ginhearst grabbed her by the throat and squeezed, pushing his face close enough to hers that he could smell her hair. "Let me see those pretty brown eyes! Come on, Pryce! Why don't you want to play with me now?" His angry spittle flew into her face, and she strained away from him even though there was no where for her to go. He finally let go of her throat, and as she drew in a big gasp of air, Ginhearst plunged forward and crashed his lips against hers. Disgusted and absolutely enraged, Jan gathered whatever strength and consciousness she had, used it to maneuver his lower lip between her teeth, and bite down, hard. Ginhearst let out a a loud yelp and lifted a paw of a hand to her face, pushing her away and into the metal back of the chair. Once again, everything had gone blurry, and this time there was a hint of black around the edges of her vision. "You bitch!" Holding his lower lip in one hand, Ginhearst growled and pushed the warden's face more firmly against the back of the chair while he reached down and began to work the fixture of her bottoms. In her half-awake state, she tried to wiggle free from underneath him, but they both knew it was useless. "Silly, silly girl... Don't be trouble for me now... I've been savin' up for you, Warden Pryce. We go back a long ways, don't we?" [/color]