[quote=@DepressedSoviet]Basically, Communism to me means abolishing anyone who is not necessary for the production of whatever the company produces, or abolishing businesses or organizations that are not necessary to the industry they are involved in.[/quote] Farewell to the disabled, I suppose. [quote]For example, a factory that produces cars, would not have an "owner" who simply makes a cut of the profits by holding the deed to the building or the land it sits on. Only people absolutely necessary to the operation of the factory would make money from the factory, and all would make the same money, but all would also have the same say in how the factory conducts business, how and what it produces, and so on. The person who puts tires on the cars would have as much say as the person who maintains the machines, as the person who cleans the toilets, and so on. This method, applied to all industries providing goods or services, would eliminate any semblance of Bourgeois elements in society, with all methods of production being owned collectively by the workers who operate them.[/quote] It will be the best car with the best tires and the best muffler and the best seatbelts and the best airbags and the best radio knob and the best company break room to never be built ever. [quote]Eventually, this society would work to abolish any method of currency, with a push towards fully automated production of all goods and services, to create a society free to focus on intellectual pursuits and the arts.[/quote] Just think, the entire society will be as useful as millennials' college degrees. [quote]The subsequent abolishment of income would reinforce the already classless society, and allow racial prejudices to be worked on to abolish them.[/quote] Because before the US Dollar, nobody ever hated anybody. [quote]The automation of all good and service production would also dissolve the need for nations or the proverbial State, thus providing a society where needs are met for all, and the advancement of humanity as a whole can be focused upon.[/quote] 'focused upon' by precisely nobody -- we're too busy waiting in line for the new DPRChevrolet. [quote]The process of building this society, in my eyes, would be as democratic as possible, while still making sure to advance towards the end goal.[/quote] So democracy, but only if you agree with me. [quote]It would also try to avoid violence as much as possible[/quote] So no violence, except when we're doing violence. [quote]and if violence were to be necessary, would only target those deemed unneeded in the processes of production in industries, and would not be racially or nationally motivated, nor would it have any basis in bigotry or unwarranted destruction.[/quote] Beating those who politically oppose you doesn't strike me as bigoted in the least. [quote]Those of all races, religions, colors, creeds, nationalities, sexualities, genders, and anything else would be welcome, so long as their mission was the eventual establishment of this society.[/quote] NO HONKIES ALLOWED [quote]Teachings of more dictatorial figures who have donned the Communist mantle, such as Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, the Kim family line, and others of their ilk, would be abandoned and denounced by this movement, while it would adapt the teachings of the more open Communists of the past to a more democratic and free movement.[/quote] "Democratic" and "free" need asterisks here. [quote]Environmentally-Friendly resource management, such as renewable energy sources, organic replacements for petroleum products, and nature conservation, would also be a key stressing of this movement, to ensure that humanity can survive as long as possible on Earth alone, assuming interplanetary development is not possible.[/quote] The goal is to trigger this new society once capitalism figures out renewable energy, but before capitalism figures out interplanetary travel. Then and only then can the great Communist Amish Nation take root. Commish? Am-unism? [quote]This is just the most basic summary of how I see the Communist movement.[/quote] "Basic" is one word. [quote]Feel free to propose questions, scenarios, insults and whatever else you feel like posting, I mean its not like I can do anything about it. [/quote] Will I be beaten for it in the glorious revolution?