This display was getting them nowhere and worse yet, [i]further[/i] from where it was they needed to be. Arthera began up the steps at a pace of purpose but not aggression, enough that she knew the man and his company should not come to blows. Receiving the attention of many wary eyes, especially given her immense stature and preference to shroud herself with her earthborn hood, she could not blame them for any skepticism they held further at this point; the entire endeavor had crumbled under its own weight spectacularly as a parody of itself. It had become such a mockery that the captain was now extorting wealth from them, or at least doing his best to. She stopped upon her approach, passing a step beyond the odd duo that had formed from her own group when they tried to leverage a lie and glared at them with a sense of unmistakable irritation. She drew back her hood and then spoke plainly. "We have news from Fellmire, one related perhaps in part to some of the doomsayers your city harbors." The woman's unusual golden eyes narrowed slightly as she recalled that town and what had become of it, washing over each of the guardsmen she looked upon. She continued thereafter, "Your commander, Aengus Cavanaugh, summoned us on matters private. What I say or know beyond this, I cannot tell you lest I breach his trust... but what can be said is that [i]we[/i] were the ones asked to be here, regardless of some... unusualities." Arthera's towering figure turned away slightly from the soldiers once more, looking over her company again and seeming to urge them with a soft motion of her head in their direction to cease making a scene. Anyone who was still here in the wake of the parade seemed to be paying some attention given the display as the captain himself noted, barring the drunkards of course who were too busy staggering to the next place of celebration and revelry. Whatever sensitive matters the general wished to speak on, especially in a city that seemed to have the enemy already rooted in it, this was among the least reasonable of things they could have done. When she returned, presence again forward, she produced the letter of summons from inside her robe and held it. Outstretched as it was, it revealed further her hand, which was marked by the blood of the wild; they were thick, almost pawed. They were just as unusual as the rest of her, that of which was something not quite human anymore. "You may call me Arthera, captain... and my personal intent is to do this the [i]correct[/i] way." [hider=Effects] Arthera will attempt to leverage her [i]All Eyes on Me[/i] ability to distract from the other instances, while also seeing herself and the party into the general's company. She attempts to support her oddity and address with the general's letter and word of sensitive news from Fellmire that might affect Bourgund. [/hider]