[quote=@Kratesis] You know, I'll be totally honest. I think communism [i]could [/i]work in the future. With automation and AI I think it's [i]possible[/i]. But I certainly wouldn't support it now. Communist regimes have killed too many people and the communists around the Guild talk about violence against their political enemies so much that it makes me feel violence is a feature of communism, not a bug. Plus there's the fact that communist economies often do so poorly people end up starving to death and I have to eat. Even if communism is theoretically possible with some major advancements in technology I don't see any reason to risk being killed by an oppressive regime or starved by a failed economy. Nobody in this thread has even proposed answers to the failures of communism. [/quote] I don't completely agree with communism, but I agree that certain aspects are good and we should at least give those aspects a try, like universal healthcare, universal income. And to answer your question, most communists believe that removing political opponents is necessary for the gov to exist because people generally rebel. They don't see it as much as a flaw than the system working as intended. There is also the kind of communist who says a communist utopia would leave all other forms of gov. seen as basically insane and cavemen backwards, and no one rebels. At least, those are the two most common types of communists I've come across. Communism inherently views other gov. structures as evil, since they keep the common man down. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a lot of communists feel that they would need to free the common man, even if the gov. is fine and really not doing anything to provoke a war except for the fact they're not communist. Communists see violence to be used liberally to destroy the "elite" class. Or those who simply appose an authoritarian gov. Then again I may be biased since I abhor communism in it's purest form, so keep that in mind.