Ambrose had calmed his nerves, Caleb had access to the best care possible. Especially with magic at his side, and the doting attention of the headmaster. He shook himself from his daze and stood up, "I'm not sure there is anything we can do..." He murmured, his voice trailed off as Ariana fished her phone out of her pocket. Ambrose relaxed slightly, so he wasn't dead. It was a relief, even if Caleb wasn't out of the woods just yet. "I mean... We should go see him." Ambrose said hesitantly, unsure if it was his place to suggest it. Jeremy stood still for once, his head nodding vigorously. "Yes, we need to be there for Caleb and Sam." He said and began the motions for the teleportation spell. He was off in an instant, reappearing at Sam's side. Jeremy gasped softly at the sight of Caleb's mauled body, he set a gentle hand on Sam's shoulder. "It's going to be okay..." He managed out softly. Ambrose sighed with frustration as he was left alone in the library, both Ariana and Jeremy already transported to the hospital room. "Goddamnit..." He grumbled, "You guys forgot about the newbie." Ambrose took a deep breath and thought back to the times he watched Caleb perform the spell. Concentrating enough to sweat, Ambrose went through the hand motions slowly before focusing his energy on the location he wanted to enter. And before he knew it, his surroundings had changed to that of the sterile hospital room. Except he had landing a bit misplaced, off in the corner and facing the walls. Ambrose spun around in confusion for a moment before realizing he had successfully completed the spell. But his moment of elation was deflated at the sight of Caleb. Ambrose had to hold back an exclamation of surprise at the sight of Caleb's wounds. Ambrose kept his distance, staring doe eyed at Caleb from across the room. "Sam..." He began softly, unsure of what to say. "He's going to be okay right?"