[quote=@Lord Wraith] [INDENT][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]G M A N N O U N C E M E N T:[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER]◼ [B]WEEK 07:[/B][/COLOR] [I]A writers inspiration for character ideas can come from many places. Many times, we find our characters influenced by our experiences and preferences. Whether that be favourite published works or perhaps a situation you wish had turned out different. In character, even our characters have inspirations, Batman was inspired by Zorro (who no doubt influenced Bob Kane during his creation). What inspired you to make your character? Whether it be their personality, backstory or powers, this week's discussion is all about your influences.[/I][/INDENT] [/quote] For my character Gavin, I based him somewhat off of Cú Chulainn. Legendary hero and badass from the Ulster cycle in Irish mythology. Cú Chulainn has defended the town of Ulster from an entire invading army through rite of single combat in a stand-off lasting months (the men of Ulster were conveniently disabled by a curse). He knows how to use the Gáe Bulg (Spear of Mortal Pain/Death Spear), this impales a man and then barbs come out from the sides of the spear meaning that the only way to remove it is to tear the flesh from the unfortunate target. Unfortunately, he met an early end when he was tricked into violating his geasa and was mortally wounded in battle and tied himself to a rock so he may face his foes standing until he dies. due to his ferocity even when near death, no one knew he died until a crow (possibly The Morrigan?) landed on his shoulders. Cú Chulainn has the ríastrad (warp-spasm) ability much as mine does though altered a little to work in this RP. I did note on the CS he is mildly deformed, much as Cú Chulainn when he has a warp-spasm. Gavin gets a boost to strength in durability when he has a warp-spasm but gets increasingly hostile to others similar to Cú Chulainn. I also take some themes from Lovecraftian lore. Notably, in this case, [url=http://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/rw.aspx] The Rats in the Walls[/url]. In this short tale, a man slowly goes mad as he learns more and more about the deeds his ancestors have done climaxing when he attacks and eats a friend while exploring a cavern beneath his ancestor's house that he was restoring (supposedly cursed or something like that). He however claims that it was the rats that did it. the rats in the walls the he hears even now in his cell. Similarly, Gavin is a bit traumatized from what he thinks he may have done in the past and (in what's probably pseudo-scientific) invented an alternate personality to deal with the trauma. Lovecraft is generally my go-to source for inspiration so normally my characters are 'dark', even whan they are the good guy. You don't have to be 'good' guy to be good guy in a twist of a line from a certain animated movie. I also like the good lovecraftian games like Arkham Horror or Elder Sign. It is some of the most challenging Co-Op board games I've ever played, I only win about one in five games. Most of the wins against Ithaqua, the Wendigo in Lovecraftian lore. Sadly I don't get a lot of chances to play it as barely anyone can set aside five or so hours to play a medium that usually takes one.