For Priya, it was a pretty simple process. I wanted to play a character I don't normally play. For those that know me (which includes [@Lord Wraith]), they know I typically play characters that are women, typically in their 20s (unless rules state otherwise) with blonde hair. They differ in the other aspects, but that's all that differs. I tend to base characters on myself. I wanted something new, so I wanted to play a character I don't normally play. I explored other cultures and I found myself interested in the Hindu culture. I am a huge fan of Bollywood and I was hooked. Thus, Priya was born. I wanted to combine her culture and her living in America to showcase a new character. I took inspiration from Indian actresses to make Priya. Her powers are because I wanted a new power type I never RPd before. Her backstory was easy to make. I wanted something that shows how she got to where she is, but also something that can be used in future plots. And then I made Priya. I was extremely happy with her. I want to play her in other games now and I think she could be a fun character to play and I look forward to see where she goes from here.