[color=orange]"Trust me, you'll love it."[/color] Rolo reassured. The path itself was as dark and as ominous as the road itself. Shadows formed by the torch danced as the duo made their way deeper into the thicket. Tall trees and shrubs bordered the path thickly, almost like a hedge maze. A raven in a nearby tree was awoken by their passing. It crowed loudly then took wing. The close proximity of the birds sounds startled both Rolo and Corinne. Rolo perfectly understood why Corinne would be nervous. The same reason why most people would feel nervous in such a setting. Precisely why Rolo chose this place to go. Somewhere out of the way and seemingly spooky. [color=orange]"Just a little further."[/color] Rolo placated. It opened up almost like a pearl. So unexpected and so very breathtaking. The woods broke into a massive clearing. Bathed in the light of the full moon. A huge rock formation stood in the center of it. This massive rock formation jutted out from the slope of the mountain. A strange and almost out-of-place natural monument. It is said that upon this rock formation an amazing view of the town could be enjoyed. [color=orange]"Come on!"[/color] Rolo gestured after him. He once again lead the way, this time towards this mysterious natural wonder.