[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/dde661389331ea75740a4e6657bc0212/tumblr_inline_nm9gdxOF3y1rrrkde.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Medical Bay ----> Down the Hallway, Nearing the Rec Room[/center][hr][hr]With the door to the medical bay open, the sounds of screams drifted in from the hallway. Dorothy paused in her work, setting the paperwork down, as her hand automatically went for her sidearm. She wasn't naive about the situation they were in--the Alliance outnumbered them, and she wouldn't put it past any of these gorrham assholes to try something. Running out of the medical bay and down the hallway, the sound of screams became a bit easier to hear. She paused, her eyes widening for a moment. No one was in bodily danger--[i]yet.[/i] Besides Jackson and herself, very few people had heard the Captain lose it so completely and utterly. From what she could tell, the yelling was directed at Gene. And of course, she couldn't help but feel conflicted. Odds were, the kid had overstepped her boundaries--[i]again[/i]--and done something to piss off the Captain. She knew that Gene had good intentions, just a lack of table manners lately it seemed. Dorothy made her way past the galley, the words easier to hear the closer she got to the sound of the ruckus. Her face paled as she heard Anisa threaten to kill Gene if she uttered another word, and for a moment, she wondered as to whether or not it would be better to keep out of this...But her thoughts were cut off, as she heard a voice she didn't quite recognize...likely one of the Alliance members...talking about...haircuts?! Finally reaching the portion of the hallway where she could view her friend, Dorothy had to stop herself from protesting. She had been named the Captain's second--and with the power dynamic on the vessel, they'd need a united front. As much as she personally didn't want the Captain to do anything rash, she knew she'd have to stand by whatever decision Anisa made. And with the look in the Captain's eyes, she knew that Anisa meant what she said. All she could do was hope, offering a silent prayer--the first she had made in years--that Genevieve wouldn't do anything stupid and get herself killed. She got that Gene was flexible, but really, did she have to put her foot in her mouth [i]all the time[/i] lately?