A "report for inactivity" function, as I think it has been better worded, would need the Game Master to submit a reason for the flagging of that user and reference. Such as, posting in the original post the cycle expectdd from the member and that they failed to comply with it. Your average posting is seven days? Unchanged, the Game Master still has to initiate it. Your posting rate is once per day, as stated? Game Master still has to tag the user then add a comment as to why. Could it be abused? Of course, any system can be in the right hands, but that is why it needs to be based on aggregate and a pattern of behavior, monitored by a specialized Staff member or one who believes they have good, neutral judgment - as they all should and we would hopefully expect. Receive three notices? Are they in short from one another? How reliable is the Game Master's claim? All questions and beyond that need be asked and reviewed in each case. The user becomes flagged, with the amount of confirmed - not pending or removed - offenses. It is still the Game Master's responsibility, to ensure they are willing to take the risk, and at that point if they do, no one is to blame but the host. The individual is held accountable. Otherwise, it is easy for them to just ignore contact. This form of compliance is something you could not escape. You could reasonably challenge it, since you would know if you were labeled a deserter, but that burden falls on their shoulders. Is this a system we are likely to see? No, I have no high hopes of that, but a mechanism or some sort of policing against this behavior should manifest. Every single roleplay I have been involved in here has died to inactivity, and only once have I ever bowed out of a game, by announcement to all members. As an addition, a Game Master should not have to play detective to sort out who is or isn't a good fit for a topic by searching posting history. Lastly, for complaints against a Game Master, a forwarded message from several users to report the instance to the Staff would suffice.