[center][h3][color=0072bc]Vincent Westerian[/color][/h3][/center] Upon finding out that they would all be going in their current clothing, Vincent gave them another smile. [color=0072bc]"This is probably one of the reasons why we get along."[/color] He said, coupling it with a nod. Him and Aisik might have never interacted much before, but their common relations with Brinlee spoke a lot. [color=0072bc]"I'm pretty sure that'll be fine. That is, unless one of us dresses fancy and we'll feel underdressed."[/color] He then let out a hum of thought. [color=0072bc]"Then again, it wouldn't be any different from before if that was the case."[/color] And the fact that Vincent still doesn't care about that remains. He looked over to the company car that had pulled over to take them to the hotel. With one final glance and wave at the fans, he entered the car after the two had entered, preferring the window seat more than anything in the world, as of now. He leaned his head back and he began drumming his fingers on his thigh, a habit of his that everyone probably knows by now. It was something he does to get rid of nervousness, a constant factor when around other people. Though, the ride wasn't terribly long as they arrived at the hotel soon after. He opened the door and hopped off, looking over at the hotel once more. Too fancy, was something he'd use to describe it. As someone who had a meager clinic and someone who doesn't really go on vacations all that much, staying in grand places like these were something of a rare case. To think that he'd be staying here for an extended period of time, he'd think that he won the lottery. [color=0072bc]"Ashley probably got used to this a long time ago."[/color] He mumbled to himself, unsure if either of the two would hear him but not really minding either way. Vincent then looked at the two. [color=0072bc]"So, who's going in first?"[/color]