[color=ed1c24]"I'm sorry, Tes, but my hands are tied..."[/color] [color=98AFC7]"You're sorry?! What the hell good is that to me? We had a contract, Bravus!"[/color] Tes spat, furious. Her fists clenched as she stood almost shaking in front of the balding, pot-bellied captain. [color=98AFC7]"You can't just back out on a contract!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]Look, Omniwide aren't paying great these days and I gotta to make cuts.[/color] Bravus took a step backwards and raised his hands in front of him in a defensive gesture. His backward motion offered a very limited moment of surcease as Tes quickly closed the gap on him. Lightning was raging behind her eyes, Bravus and The Balthazar, his ship, crouched serenely behind him, were her way off this planet and she could feel that opportunity falling away, and her potential freedom with it. Despite not knowing him very long - they'd only met the previous day in one of A.T.G's bustling taverns - Tes had gotten the measure of Bravus. The man was driven by greed and cowardice. [color=98AFC7]"Cuts?! You must be the most monumental idiot on this entire rock, Bravus! You want to make cuts and you think leaving a ship the size of The Balthazar without an engineer - not to mention the best engineer this end of the Void - is a good idea?[/color] Her azure hair, shaved on one side of her head, cascaded down the other and she swept it behind her ear with a gloved hand. She no longer cared what she said to him, she knew that the avaricious reptile would never let her back on his ship. [i][color=98AFC7]The fat bastard is already counting the bigger cut of the Omniwide job that he'll pick up with me out of the way.[/color][/i] She could see he wanted to speak and beads of perspiration had begun to form on the fat man's spacious forehead. It reminded her of vaccum packed meat that'd been left out in the sun. She paused in her tirade to let him at least splutter out whatever irrelevant pleasantries he wanted to try and salvage some sort of equilibrium from this conversation. [color=ed1c24]"If any other jobs come up in future then I'll let you know, yeah?"[/color] Bravus shrugged. She saw red. Twisting her feet to shift her stance, she cocked her left shoulder back and launched an enraged fist towards Bravus. The punch landed halfway across the man's nose leaving her outer knuckles to connect with the flesh of his cheekbone. She felt his nose break as his head snapped backwards and his feet fell from under him. A spray of scarlet erupted from Bravus' shattered nose as he landed heavily on his backside on the floor of the hangar. He tried to say something but it came out in a sequence of wet vowels. [color=98AFC7]"To hell with you and your overpriced ship, you sweaty gargoyle."[/color] She snarled. Shaking loose her fist, a slight wince crossing her pale face. [color=98AFC7]"I hope you're up there and you need me and those extra credits of Omniwide's money you earn are a great fucking comfort to you when the airlocks fail and the void reaches in and takes you!"[/color] She picked up her bag and tool kit from the steel mesh of the landing bay floor, turned away from the crumpled mass of Bravus' and strode towards the elevator.