Drono listened to them, and a part of him stirred. They all had their ways of showing it, but there was a kind of camaraderie here. Yes,. they didn’t jump in like idiots on the chance to possibly save him from certain death. But he didn’t want them to, nor did he expect them to. They were planning and preparing. They were working like a team in order to maybe, somehow, save his ass. It would have brought him to tears, but he found himself fresh out of tears. His head was clearer then it had been in years. Part of it was the better, cleaner drugs. Part of it was the calmness of his fellows. [color=82ca9d]“Alright. I know a person who is wants to fuck with Yestin as bad as I do. So I will throw her a call, she knows us both from old, and if anyone can help throw him off my tail to give us all breathing room. It is her.” [/color]He said as he had taken in what they all had to say. Haze in particular was already drafting plans. He was a smidge jealous at how organized the turian was. To him, the general gist of a plan was [i]"Improvise better."[/i] [color=a2d39c]“I agree with your plan Haze, we won’t go in half assed. Subterfuge is our best bet. But we need contingency plans if things get ugly.”[/color] He said as he pondered. [color=82ca9d]“Haze. I am going to need you to bring something with you during your scouting. There is a place I want you to stake out, and if possible. Drop of a little explosive package. It is our contingency plan.”[/color] He said as he began clicking about on his omnitool, drawing up map of the station. [color=a2d39c]“If we need to get out of dodge fast, this tunnel here leads straight to the port, It would be very simple to make inaccessible behind us if we are retreating.” [/color] He turned to the others again. [color=a2d39c]“Any eyes we can get on the opposition before this stuff goes down, the better. Eclipse are well prepared, but they aren’t expecting anything like us. I wager Yestin has no idea of our set up, our crew or our capabilities. And he is stingy and petty, so he will assume you are all a bunch of losers. If we get the bead on them, we can possible sabotage their heavy stuff, should they have any.” [/color] His eyes fastened of Firu, [color=a2d39c]“That… That is actually a good idea. Once the others have lured them away, I imagine it would be good if someone with actual medical knowledge talked to them. And any help with fixing the cybernetic parts I imagine is good.”[/color] He nodded. A little bit of hope returning to him for each thing he took into consideration. [color=a2d39c]“We need ot locate a good ambush spot, and rig it. The harder and faster we hit them, the better. Dex, you are our cloak and dagger expert here babe. I will leave it to you to do the whole “Set up a digital mumbo jumbo decoy.”[/color] He chewed his lip. “[color=82ca9d]Vellios. If we can get them somewhere narrow like a alleyway, your cane mines will come in handy. And if you are indeed the Decoy, try and leave atleast one of them Alive. We need them to know we are going to be to costly a target for them to go after, but that we don’t want to escelate. The are mercenaries and profit is their only concern.”[/color] [color=a2d39c]“As for Yestin himself. We will deal with him in time. Yestins a planner. And whenever shit goes south, he tends to retreat and retrace his steps. That gives up a lot of time do our own digging. When the time comes, we hit him. But I am not going to let my own quest for vengeance get in the way of our business. We’ll keep a eye out, time will provide. Well if old Jalopy doesn't explode due to vented methane or something first.” [/color]He leaned back, Taking a deep breath. [color=a2d39c]“Right. We got work to do. Best get on it people.” [/color]