[H2][center]Kibbe, Wandering Mage[/center][/h2] If one were to walk through the various food stalls and people selling souvenirs to oblivious tourists, they may chance upon a lone Rito wearing a silly outfit drawing circles on the ground. If said person were to stick around they would see him making various theatrical movements with his staff finally crying out, [color=darkgray]"Wazahhh!"[/color] as the circles out up in a shower of flower like snowflakes. If that person was kind enough to donate some money to the bucket in from of the Rito, they would receive a vigorous handshake and a smile as the Rito thanked him. [Color=darkgray]"What a beautiful town full of such beautiful people!"[/Color] Kibbe clapped his hands together and spread them apart, revealing a string of snowflakes between his wings/palms. The small crowd applauded and a little girl deposited a few Rupees into the bucket that Kibbe had set in front of his performance area. Truly a beautiful day to work in Hyrule Castle City.