The sound of silence could both reassure and make one nervous. It however remained unknown which of the feelings remained in the more dominant position within the hunter's minds as they pulled back and chose to move into the library, rather than investigate the silence behind the door. This choice led them towards the fresh air and source of light available, nearer to the spiderwebs that were littered across the room. A few steps in, a glint in the air warned them of the presence of very, very thin threads of silk laid out near the floor, extending towards the main web further away. Some of them fluttered in the slight wind as if broken by something, but part of them remained attached to wherever they were going. While going through was possibly an option, there was no such thing to be seen if they went straight between the shelves that were still standing. The webs did indeed seem to be focused on the more run down parts of the room. A coincidence? Maybe. But one would not bet on it.