As I suppose it is only fair to state out in the open, [i]Warriors: Tribal[/i] will be closed until further notice. It was certainly a great deal of fun to have played with each of you, but as it seems a number of factors have gotten in the way of the story progressing, it is only in the best interest of all involved to have this project be put under indefinite hiatus. There may be some time in the unknown future that an attempt to revive the project will occur, and if such event were to happen, each of you are entirely welcome to rejoin. Note, however, that such a case is a bit unlikely, but I will still keep this project in the back of my mind, and will keep in contact with both [@sMoKe] and [@LetMeDoStuff] so that when we are indeed ready to start the project again, we will be able to. Again, I did have a great deal of fun with each of you with this project, and hope to see you around!