[color=fff79a][i]An explosion. Of course, I don't have enough on my mind yet.[/i][/color] Itachi thought, using his maneuverability in the air to prevent slamming face-first into the deck as the boat rocked forward unsteadily. Casually grabbing his phone and calling his speed-dial in mid-air, he had a short conversation after the creaking noise of the boat slamming into the train station subsided. By the time he hung up, a distressed look had taken place on his features. [color=fff79a]"Couldn't be better."[/color] He cynically muttered to himself. He'd had to do something, and he'd better do it fast. Raising his voice so all could hear, he yelled [color=fff79a]"Anyone who can move, help those who aren't doing as well as you are! Evacuate to the North-West!"[/color] Pointing approximately West-North-West when he said so, he paused before deciding to share his knowledge. [color=fff79a]"My contacts have confirmed a Sumeragi combat squad is approaching from the North-East, they'll be heavily armed and looking for a fight! Maintain order as you leave the ship!"[/color] As soon as he'd done his "announcement" he tried to locate [i]the young man with the katana[/i]. If he was whom Itachi thought he was, then he'd definitely need some nudging. Whilst looking for the young man, he also tried to make an accurate body count, though with the smoke rising from the ship's rear, and the people slowly getting up, this wasn't yet a possibility. Regardless, he could at least buy some time for everyone by putting out the flames, that way they wouldn't have to worry about the ship burning up, at least. Sauntering over to the fires, Itachi quickly tried to assess the situation. He'd need to either remove oxygen from the flames, but since he was outside, and the fire already covered a large area, this was not an option. Second choice would be to remove the fuel or drop the heat. Removing the wood that served as fuel also wouldn't work, as tearing the boat apart would be too inefficient and cause too much of a mess. In the end, he decided to do what he always did; blow the problem away using his septima. Still at a (relatively) safe distance, Itachi started focusing on applying his [color=fff79a]Air Cutter[/color] to the flames, away from the station, aiming to blow them out like a candle.