[quote=@Guru] So... space 'cops and robbers'? Lol [/quote] I thought of that. Adding space in front of anything makes it better. [quote=@Fallenreaper] Many things, which is fitting for the arena. [/quote] Most of my arena chat postings have been stupid character ideas such as the telekinetic bookcase controlling man. [quote=@Rilla] Just so long as we don't try that fucking 10 on 1 again. [/quote] I had an idea for a 100 vs 100 fight. I still might do it just for the lolz if anyone else has 100 characters. However, it would quickly devolve into a fight with the top 3 or so character of each side. One thing weird about super hero movies, they have to somehow act like the person who can use guns well is doing a whole lot when the person with super duper speed on the team should just wipe everything out themselves. [quote=@Guru] Also, as a newbie tournament, I have some pretty good ideas to get new guys and gals some experience. I.E. We wouldn't want to just dump the first round of losers. They'd need a fighting chance afterall. They will presumably not be experienced in the Arena, so I'd recommend a 2nd chance round. Placing the losers in a new bracket for a chance to come back after the first round. [/quote] I was going to suggest round robin, which would also solve the issue, but then people might be playing an overkill amount of matches.