"A disguise would be best, at least for the wizard." Sergei nodded. "And considering that last bastard was left alive, we best keep our heads low as well for a while. Exiting the city will be... difficult, but not impossible, if we're smart and lucky." The knight leaned back. "That said, it's well past dark, and a loaded wagon and rider at this time is suspicious by any man's standards. We should check into an inn quickly, stable up, rest and go over supplies and strategy. Maybe lay low for a few days, until the guardsmen aren't out for blood- and rest assured, they'll grow angrier the more bodies we leave. We also need to decide what to do with the lazyass sleeping back there, anyways." Sergei looked down at his now wet surcoat, and wiped some blood off his cheek. "Firstly, though, stop by a river or a well or something. Ain't a man alive gonna let me in slick with gore. You're gonna have to scrub it off this seat as well."