[center][h2][color=gray]Alex Randall[/color][/h2][/center] By the time it was lunch, Alex was starving. He rushed over to the lunch line and struggled to fight through the crowds to get some food. Despite the fact that a lot of the students were in clubs and were at their booths, the lunch line was still hectic as ever. He managed to get a pork bun with minimal injuries and decided to check on the volleyball club booth. He noticed a girl, talking to the coach but she left before he reached them. She was rather small, probably a first year. Kind of cute though. Regardless, he walked over there to greet the coach. [color=gray]"Heya Coach!"[/color] he said with a cheeky smile. [color=gray]"Any fresh meat for the team?"[/color] He opened the wrapper with his pork bun and proceeded to take a few, large bites of it. [color=gray]"Mmm... delicious..."[/color] [@Silver Carrot]