Example character: [center][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1/1891003_10203123881475866_1944630186_n.jpg[/img] Worren Xue "The Fire Ninja" {This is Tony Jaa, Worren is kind of like him.} {Just in big brown shorts, a brown hooded vest and wearing camping gear, sleeping bag.}[/center] [center][b]Vitals[/b][/center] [u]Age:[/u] [indent]28[/indent] [u]Height;[/u] [indent]5’10[/indent] [u]Weight;[/u] [indent]201 [/indent] [u]Eyes;[/u] [indent]Fiery Red[/indent] [u]Personality;[/u] [indent]Worren is very easily angered, a trait shared by many fire users, especially when it comes to what he considers -touchy- subjects. However, even when he is calm, he still contains a burning passion within him, which manifests as flames around his wrist. This is shared by his anger as well. Generally, Worren is a nice guy, though this does not mean he allows himself to be walked over. He loves to train and fight, especially with his energies and his Shuriken and Kunai Knives, and other weapons. Being apart of the same resistance as Trent, Worren has a reputation as being hasty, though he is often successful in his ventures. Fancying himself as a ninja, Worren can be quite tactical and observant at times.[/indent] [u]Spirit Animal:[/u] [indent]Salamander[/indent] [u]Weapons;[/u] [b]Kunai Knives - [/b] [indent]Some have chains connected to them - Varying Sizes - Marked with several Flame Runes[/indent] [b]Shuriken - [/b] [indent]Bo-Shuriken and Hira-Shuriken - Varying Size - Large ones are generally marked with weapons runes. Marked with several Flame Runes[/indent] [b]Blow Gun and Darts - [/b] [indent]Two, One for smaller darts and one for Larger darts. - Marked with several Flame Runes[/indent] [b]Senbon[/b] [indent]Thin, Sharp Needles - Marked with Flame Runes.[/indent] [b]Tessen - [/b] [indent]An Iron Fan - Marked with several Flame Runes, as well as Weaponry Runes[/indent] [b]Manriki-Gusari - [/b] [indent]The Manriki Gusari was a chain usually about 3 feet long, and weighted at both ends. Marked with several Flame Runes[/indent] [u]Equipment;[/u] [indent]Aside from his weaponry, Worren wears a large camping bag on his back, complete with a sleeping mat. His smaller arsenal of weaponry is located within this bag, which is easily accessible. His larger weapons are located on Runes upon his body, particularly his wrists, palm, and back. The bag, is lined with the same runes to increase the carrying limit of weapons. The water bottles on either side of Worren, are filled with Oil(Left) and Gasoline(Right).[/indent] [u]Elemental Affinity;[/u] [indent]Fire/Heat[/indent] [u]Energy;[/u] [b]Firaga:[/b] [indent]Worren, being of a simple nature, never really named his energy anything other than Firaga. This energy allows him control over fire, no matter the size. He can start a small spark with a mental command, or the snap of his finger, or he can create large enough flames to completely decimate the immediate area, of fifty feet, which can gradually increase if left unchecked. His ability with this energy is so precise, five feet in any direction of him, is prone to random bursts of flame, ten feet if he is angered. Overuse can have side effects of singed clothing and burnt skin.[/indent] [b]Heatron:[/b] [indent]This is a secondary part of Firaga, allowing him to manipulate the varying levels of heat. He can raise or lower them, though he prefers the former. The different levels of heat manipulation don’t really effect him, as he normally trains on the lips of Volcanoes, and other naturally heated places. This energy is known to cause burns upon an opponent who is not properly protected. Due to this energy, it is known that the area around him is normally warmer, when happy, five feet around him. However, when angered, the heat around him, in a ten foot distance, is greatly intensified.[/indent] He gains a small boost in power when he is in contact with his given Element. [u]Energy Manifestation;[/u] [b]Spark:[/b] [indent]With this simple energy, Worren can start the beginnings of a small fire, which can grow into a large forest blaze. This is mostly a starter ability and is rarely used to directly damage an opponent. He can also use it to channel flames down any weapon he currently holds in his hands, without hand signs. However, hand signs are necessary if he is not directly holding the weapon.[/indent] [b]Balls:[/b] [indent]Worren can manifest fireballs from his hands, feet, and mouth. He can also launch them from the ends of his hand held weapons, if they are being held by him. The balls vary in size, from small pea sized flicks(Fastest to employ) to massive fireballs(Slowly to employ).[/indent] [b]Waves: [/b] [indent]This is one of Worren’s secondary forms of energy usage. As a wave; the blast ripples slightly as it makes it’s way towards an opponent or chosen item. These ripples of energy, overlap each other, adding to their power overall. So in theory; the longer it takes to get to an opponent, the more damage it will do inclusively. Also, these waves aren’t limited to one direction shots. They can potentially; and with great energy, be sent off in 360°.[/indent] [b]Pulses:[/b] [indent]Being an avid flame enthusiast, Worren has developed the ability to send pulses of his flames and heat from his body in an Omni-directional field. They don’t gain energy, or power, since they don’t overlap. They can be sent in a single direction. When he employs this manifestation, it appears as a transparent red, or orange, wall of flames or heat.[/indent] [u]Abilities;[/u] [b]Weapon Manipulation:[/b] [indent]This is the ability to increase or decrease varying variables of his weaponry. It is not as advanced as the other peoples of the resistance(Derik, Trent, Jet) abilities are, but he can increase the size of a few of his smaller weapons. To compensate for this, he generally uses heat to increase the cutting power of his weaponry.[/indent] [b]Summoning:[/b] [indent]This is Ninjutsu, at base, which allows him to summon things from the two particular types of Runes he employs. Fire and Weapon runes, to be exact. The weapon runes are located on his wrists, palm, back, and on his Tessen, thus allowing him to summon Kunai knives and Shuriken, from either location. Large Shuriken, are generally summoned from his back. The Flame runes are located on each of his weapons, as well as on his wrists, feet, and tongue, to allow for bigger, more potent attacks. To use this energy, he generally relies on his own aura as a catalyst, which manifests as red, in conjunction with hand signs. [/indent] [b]Hand Signs:[/b] [indent]Worren, being a practitioner of Ninjutsu, is highly proficient in the uses of Hand Signs. He particularly makes use of Tiger, Dragon, Rat, Monkey, Rooster, and Snake, in multiple ways. His speed and competency with his hand signs is remarkable, coupled with his intense stamina, he can perform high level flame based attacks, and make a multitude of weapons, without becoming visibly tired. These are used to fuel his flame manipulation and summoning abilities. The extent of his Hand Seals are unknown, though he can do the same thing with one hand, that he can with two, at the cost of time.[/indent] [b]Hand to Hand:[/b] [indent]He is known to dabble in such martial arts of Kickboxing and Kenpo, both of which he is an expert in. He often couples his strikes with flames or heat to extend his range and striking power. Because of this training, he has increased stamina, speed, and power. Though, he lacks a excellent defense.[/indent]