Well, if everyone who posted wanted to RP, we have more than enough for a decent game, and almost enough for a campaign level story (war, some players are evil, various hell realms, etc.) But for now, in order to create the best experience, all players should create not-evil characters. If you're evil, of course you're going to survive... where's the fun in that? Post character profiles and I'll take a look at them and then you can move them to the Character section when it gets made. As long as we have at least two players, we can start :) Also, my initial idea this time around (this version would be season 7 I think), would be instead of making OC's, the character is YOU, the player. But I'll leave that up to you. You can play yourself, or a fictional character. Hell, canon could work, depending on who it is. I look forward to seeing some characters though :)