As he listened to the explanation Yumeko provided he gave a small ah. It explained why he wasnt aware of the slang for those games because he wasnt exactly playing that type of dating games to begin with. Then came a funny question and Viv couldnt help but to be laughing a bit. [color=fff200] "Do Westerners all greet each other with a kiss on the cheek like they say they do? I hear it all the time, but it seems weird."[/color] [color=f7941d]"No, no. I would do that only to dear friends, and you are still a stranger to me. No hard feelings. I am sure we can be excelent work collages with time."[/color] Candlemon hummed at that explanation and tugged on Vivian pants to get his attention. [color=92278f]"Me."[/color] And Vivian found it the most endearing two letter words ever spoken. He looked at the flickering flame before rubbing his chin. He know what his partner was asking him, and he thought why not. It felt befitting, even if he only knew the digimon for several minutes. [color=f7941d]"Sure, I think I can greet you with a hug and cheek kiss Candlemon. "[/color] The Candle in question grinned crossing his wax arms over his body as if he just won something others didnt. Then their mission came, he studied the information and found it pretty clear cut. Go there, talk to that contact, do this, etc. Viv put the piece of paper in his backpack to not risking losing it. FOr a change he didnt have any extra question, checking the time on the digi device he hoped they get it done before his father starts missing him and start asking questions. Still he found it amusing as they were pushed out. [color=f7941d]"Obviously we have to first go to that contact person. Then we can see what is even being hacked to begin with." [/color]Vivian said as he looked over his device trying to activate the wrap point. The wording indicating some form of teleportation. [color=92278f]"I bet Impmon will fall in a trap first."[/color] Candlemon spoke the set of eyes on the wax body looking over at the digimon he just bed on while the flames looked at the other digimon in their small group.