Flicking the credit chip up into the air using his thumb, the scruffy looking man snatched it out the air with a swipe of his hand. Upon doing so, a soft beep came from the small datapad tucked into one of the pockets of his heavy looking brown leather jacket, not too much different from old antique bomber jackets pilots apparently wore several hundred years ago. Whether this was a knock off or a genuine antique, was hard to tell, but seeing as the brown-haired man wore it out in the open and that the jacket had it's fair share of wear and tear, it was most likely a cheap knock-off. Pulling the datapad from his pocket, the sleep deprived yet sharp green eyes of the 'drunk' glanced over the Breaking News article that was flashing across the screen. One brow raised as the other furrowed. Seemed the conflict between the overhead Corporations was getting more heated and that the threat of a planetary lockdown was imminent. [color=007236]”... Lockdown huh? Tha's not good. Gonna need ta find a way off this rock.”[/color], murmured the average height male, one of his gloved fingers scratching at the week-old stubble covering his chin. [color=007236]”... Still got time fer a drink though.”[/color] Returning his datapad to his pocket, the young man continued on his way down the street he walked, squeezing between civilians who had stopped to watch and read the news articles that were now popping up on overhead displays attached to the side of buildings and hovering remotely across highways. A lot of mixed feelings were being shared vocally, but the increasing numbers of bodies were starting to drown out anything intelligible and it all started to sound like one mass of sound. As tempting as it was to try and swipe an extra couple credit chips, there were simply too many people here and the risk of getting caught was too great. No, the scruffy-looking man had to settle with what he had already got and was more then happy to keeping heading for the nearest bar. There were a lot of flashy main street bars and casinos, with fancy drinks and legit high-stake gambling opportunities, but those were hard to cheat and the posh, expensive drinks tasted like crap anyway. No, after a few more minutes of walking down the main street, the brown jacket wearing individual slipped down a side alley were places more suited to his tastes could be found, one in particular, the ever reliable Down and Out Inn. Heavy drinks, dodgy gambling, the occasional barfight. Perfect. Proudly shoving his way inside, the scruffy man turned a few heads, whom promptly looked back at their drinks and meals with a collective groan when seeing who had walked in. Striding to the bar and sitting himself down, the scruffy man slapped his hands onto the bartop to get the barkeeps attention. A bald-headed man turned about, eyepatch covering his left eye with a meaty scar running underneath it. His left ear was missing and some of his teeth were on constant show from part of his upper lip missing too. [color=007236]”Barkeep! In or out, does tha' Down an' Out 'ave an outhouse up or down or in or down or out and up?”[/color], the raspy-voiced man asked. [color=red]”Fuck off Ruce. What're you drinkin'?”[/color], came the reply from the barkeep. Ruce frowned sadly at the returned, unimpressed glare, which was answered by the scruffy man with a shrug of his shoulders. [color=007236]”Tha' usual will do. Also these secret codes won't work if yer never give tha' correct reply.”[/color] [color=red]”I don't even know what the heck that means. Just shut up before you get yourself into trouble. I've had enough of your shit starting fights here. You're lucky you're not barred.”[/color], the bald-headed man said with authority, turning his back on Ruce to pull a vial of bright, bubbling blue liquid from a fridge on the back wall of the bar. Snapping the cap off and pouring the drink into a glass, the barkeep slid the drink over. Ruce flashed 'his' credit chip and the bald-headed man took payment, which much to the surprise on Ruce's face, went through clean. The barkeep caught on and frowned hard to the scruffy man, whom just grinned in reply, snatched his drink and downed a sizable amount of the blue liquor. Ruce gasped at the taste followed be a second slap of the hand upon the bartop. [color=007236]”DAMN tha' hits tha' spot!!”[/color], Ruce exclaimed with much joy to his tone. [color=red]”Benner... y'know that crap will make humans go blind eventually?”[/color], the bald-headed chimed on, which was brushed away with a dismissive wave of Ruce's hand.