[hider=Pisq & ELEK7RO] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/EMlORgo.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XkKAnvU.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][b]NAME:[/b][/color] [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1IJPoryBBbA]Pisq[/url] and [url=http://vocaroo.com/i/s1CLFigaMtsS]ELEK7RO[/url] [color=6ecff6][b]SPECIES:[/b][/color] Pixique and Iljonor (Artifical Intelligence) respectively [color=6ecff6][b]AGE:[/b][/color] Early-Adulthood (Biologically), Around 21 in human years and 2.6 years respectively [color=6ecff6][b]GENDER:[/b][/color] Female and Synthetic (refer as he) respectively [color=6ecff6][b]HEIGHT:[/b][/color] 5.2" and 6'9" respectively [color=6ecff6][b]WEIGHT:[/b][/color] ~462 Gramms* and ~541 kilograms** (~1820 pounds) respectively [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDbN4lZjw6A&index=26&list=PL1HChj_66u30uPc2CkTqcZbU7tt3BRx06[/youtube] [color=6ecff6][b]PERSONALITY:[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6]Pisq:[/color] Like all the other members of the Pixique race, Pisq is childish, self-centered, hyperactive, quite playful and every bit devious. She is a very social person and enjoys conversing with others, even thought her manners are rather lax. She can quickly decide whether someone is her friend or if someone is better to stay away from, and she is hesitant to change her mind once she made the decision. She is not really concerned whether the other person shares the same feelings towards her, but people usually like Pisq for her childish and fun nature. This of course doesn't stop her from being a smartass, and even thought she isn't quite as intelligent as some other Pixique, she is still capable of more than even a smart human. Now, much like the other Pixique this also means that they can be very forgetful and airheaded sometimes: a side-effect of being so goddamn smart. And that lost mental power is diverted straight into her extrovert and adventrous nature: the same thing that made her decide to join the GAHL. Usually calm, relative to the nature of her species, she can be quite agressive for a creature of such small sizes. This often provokes the jokes which ask: "How can someone as small as you be so furious?". [hider=Pisq] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FqGAHel.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=6ecff6]ELEK7RO:[/color] A synthetic network can only be capable of so much. That's what you think, right? Well, the Pixique straight up refuse this, and the existence of the Iljonor is a proof of that. The Iljonor were created by the Pixique, and they all have vastly different personalities: much like humans. ELEK7RO was created by Pisq when she was 19 years old. He was tailored in a way to offset the occasional airheadedness of Pisq, and to aid in her social interactions. His personality is best described as modest, very gentle, polite and observative. Thought Pisq tried to model him after a gentleman, there must have been a glitch in the process somewhere as ELEK7RO is not hesitant to swear or crack inapropriate jokes. But this is a small price for having a companion that is so loyal. Some Iljonor refuse to help the Pixisque, but not him. ELEK7RO is very helpful towards everyone, and sometimes leaves Pisq behind to help a stranger: much to her dismay. [hider=ELEK7RO] [img]http://imgur.com/gKBZHzD.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=6ecff6][b]HISTORY OF THE PIXISQUE RACE AND THE ILJONOR:[/b][/color] A long time ago, in a solar system far, far away, a race of hyperactive and childish geniouses was born: the Pixique. Their homeworld featured an unordinarily tiny sized fauna, and the Pixiuqe are actually considered normal sized on their own planet. Their naturally high intelligence quickly advanced them through the technological eras and they soon conquered their own continent on the planet. With their relatively small size compared to the flora of the world, building was hard, and most of them adapted to a sedentary life. This loneliness only further reinforced their creativity, and they invented new devices daily. Of course these new inventions were soon forgotten, only to be rediscvored a few months later by other Pixique: a recurring theme in their history. Thought sedentary, most Pixique craved for social interactions: people to share their thoughts with. From this desire new life was born: the Iljonor. First an AI for a forgetful tinkerer, and later a fully sentient creature with a body made of steel. Their names long forgotten to the fleeting minds of the Pixique, this inventor and his metallic reflection continued to work together on advancing AI technology and soon bonded in a friendship for life. By the time the inventor died, his creation was a fully fledged sentient being, with emotions that rivaled that of biological creatures. It travelled the cities and shared the research he contained with other Pixique. This inspired a new golden age in the population: everybody wanted an AI buddy and research assistant. In a matter of months years of progress was recreated, and the technology of AIs became widely avaible even before their equalient of the internet was born. All of these creations were different, and they had vastly different personalities, but in essence had the same core as the first Iljonor. It didn't take long before they announced themselves as a race of their own, and the Pixique didn't hesitate to welcome them as bretheren. The two species lived in a symbiotic relationship, where the Pixique provided the mind and the Iljonor provided the muscle. The internet soon came to be: the new Iljonor assistants greatly contributed to the advancement of technology. With endless possibilites provided by advanced communications, the civilization of the Pixique and the Iljonor co-evolved for many decades, and became a technocratic state that covered almost their entire planet. With technological marvels created every day, and devices being created for people as small as they are, engineering became one of the strong suits of their technology. The Pixique viewed the Iljonor as equals and helpful creations, whilst the Iljonor admired the nature of the Pixique and sworned to protect their creators with their superior physique. Tradition has it that when a Pixique reaches adulthood, a new Iljonor is created: one that is raised and nurtured solely by his or her Pixique parent. Companies were created for the sole purpose of selling frames for the Iljonor, but their minds must be entirely reliant on the Pixique who create them. This tradition is a form of bonding between the two races: the two become like childhood friends over a short period of time. This is then usually reversed as the Pixique children are often nurtured by the Iljonor when their parent's are hard at work. That was until the two races finally achieved space travel: 3 pairs of Pixique and Iljonor ventured into space and orbited the planet Pixis for 320 minutes before landing again. Research was now focused on the new frontier, and space technology advanced rapidly. In 4 deacdes the first interstellar ship was launched to find signs of intelligent life: both races were sure that they weren't the only ones. And they were right. Sadly the new discovery didn't go as planned, and they had to realise that they weren't as advanced as they toguht. They quickly realised that their stature was way too small compared to most races of the galaxy: it is hard to make first contact when you are slightly bigger than a small bird. It is a mystery who was the one who first proposed the creation of EXOs: average sized suits, massive compared to the Pixique's size, that would house the minds of the Iljonor, and give them the capability to have discussions with the other races of the galaxy. Probably due to the influence of the humans, a similarly new species to space travel, these suits take up a very basic humanoid form, and house all the mechanisms needed to integrate the Iljonor minds. They also feature a cockpit from which the suit is controlled by a Pixique, which is located in the head segment of the suit. The more spacious EXOs even have accomodations inside them where the Pixique can relax without the need to leave the suit at all: this is only possible due to the effectivenes off micro-engineering upscaled, and the effiency that this provides. The control of the EXOs is shared between the Pixique and the Iljonor, which is yet another from of bonding between the races, if their lifetime together isn't enough already. Since the first EXO, many suits have been created, but some of the newer models take a whole different approach: learning from the humans the defintion of "warfare", a talent which all humans posess, the Pixique developed new EXOs that have built in weapons systems which are mostly used for hunting, but some are even hired by security corporations as guards in space stations. With this new hobby amongst the population, especially the teens, many young Pixique and Iljonor decide to live a life outside of their planet, and join the interstellar community to profit from their intelligence or to seek out adventure. [color=6ecff6][b]WEAPONS/SUPPLIES:[/b][/color]*** [url=http://imgur.com/25isaY1]R-201 Carbine Mk.I E:[/url] A fully automatic carbine weapon designed by humans. It was incorporated by a lot of Pixique to use with their EXOs, as it is pretty cheap, and really accurate at close to medium ranges. With a high firerate and large clip, one can easely undesrtand why this weapon is favored by so many hunters. Against unprotected targets this weapon is devastating, but it quickly loses effectiveness against armored targets, unless the user is close up to the traget. The E version was specifically designed to combat biological beings: it can use a special bullet type that delivers a painful electroshock to the target at the cost of some penetrating power. This makes the weapon more versatile, and ideal at taunting or herding the prey. Against smaller animals the elecktroshock has the potential to knock the target out, but only if it hits near the nervous center. It is also a favorite amongst bounty hunters for the same reason it is popular with hunters. (// I know that there is a Volt SMG which actually does this, but I wanted a bigger gun + I didn't find any good images of that weapon.) [url=http://imgur.com/b6Buvgp]Shockrope 9000:[/url] A trademark tool of Pisq, this device was designed specifically for ELEK7RO. It is essentially a grapling hook that fires a single sturdy cable which pierces the target's skin (hopefully) and then attaches the target from the inside. Servo motors inside the EXOs arm help pull the user close to the target, giving Pisq the ability to quickly close the distance between her prey. It will constantly numb the area of impact with electricity to stop most animals from realising they've been hit, right until the EXO is on top of them. It can also be used to manouver around like an ordinary grappling hook, but it wasn't designed to pierce anything stronger than wood, so it's uses are limited. [color=6ecff6]Shockslap 3000:[/color] Another special project of Pisq, ELEK7RO's EXO is equipped with shock gloves that deliver painful electric pulses to the enemy with each hit. If the guns prove too difficult to use, or they don't have the desired effect, these babies will surely do the job. Each hit of a normal EXO frame is devastating by itself, but with the added benefit of electric shocks, close quarters combat is sure to do the job against all, but the most resilient creatures. Of course this depends on the user actually achieving contact with the target: a difficult task in itself. Furthermore, the gloves allow for the user to attach to conducting surfaces, as the gloves generate a magnetic field. It should also be noted that this is an extremely funny way of pranking anybody who wants to do a handshake. [color=6ecff6]R-72 Pulse Thrusters:[/color] A pair of short distance Pulse thrusters mounted on the back of the EXO allow for Pisq and ELEK7RO to gain a short mobility boost in the form of a controlled dash. This can be used to cross gaps, reach high ledges, or to deliver a powerful punch to an enemy. However after a pulse has been used, the pack must recharge again before being used. This usually takes half a minute but can take up to whole 2 minutes if the suit power is drained by other things (like the grapling hook or the shock gloves). The pack only works in atmosphere and under water, and cannot be used in vacuum or low atmosphere enviroments. [color=6ecff6]Suit Internal Accomodations:[/color] Inside the EXO is the cockpit which provides all controls over the suit, and houses the Iljonor. However, ELEK7RO's frame has an extra room built into the uppermost part of the chest, which can be accesed by tiny individuals via a maintenance hatch that goes through the neck. It is small in size, and houses only a single retractable bed, a fridge and a storage drawer, as well as the storage unit containing the regular sized body of ELEK7RO, which serves as a backup location for any data and as a second body if something happens to the EXO in case it becomes unusable. Misc: *I spent 20 mins doing the maths, but after dropping all the fancy stuff I just did the volume of a cube with the human body density, looked at charts, and trimmed the number according to the results. Not accurate, but good enough I guess. **Steel is about 7.5 times denser than the human body, so after I did the rough math, this number was trimmed to represent the weight lost from non steel mechanical parts (like the plastic inner elements and technical parts made of silicon). Again, not right, but close enough. ***I do not own any of this material, and I hope you have no problem with the trademraks being there. A good design is just simply a good design, and it would be a shame to not use it. [/center] [/hider]