[@Zepavil] Tsunozuka looked impressed, finally seeing Taiyou do something impressive. He crossed his arms, seeing his monster taken out. Shooting from his deck and graveyard were one card from each, one from Reverse's effect and one from Pandemonium's effect. Luckily for him, he could benefit from one of his opponent's cards, adding Edge Imp Tomahawk back to his hand and Shadow Tamer (which counted as an archfiend) to his hand from his deck. However, as the dragon struck him, Tsunozuka's lifepoints were brought down to a mere 500. Looking back at the state of the game, Tsunozuka actually appeared to be losing, if only because of his opponent's Swords of Revealing Light. "Draw!" Tsunozuka shouted angrily. Due to his life point total, he was unable to gather further advantage using Archfiend's Oath. Luckily for him, Tsunozuka still had a five cards in hand. "First, I'll activate the field spell, Archfiend Palabyrinth. Next, I'll use Edge Imp Sabre's effect from the grave to special summon himself! Next, I activate the effect of Archfiend Palabyrinth. It allows me to banish one fiend-type monster, then special summon one archfiend monster with the same level from my hand, deck, or graveyard! I choose Archfiend Vizier! Archfiend Vizier's effect activates, allowing him to special summon a level 4 or lower Archfiend. I choose Shadow Tamer! Level 3 tuner Archfiend Vizier and Level 3 Shadow Tamer! Synchro Summon! Return to me, Archfiend Reverse!" Archfiend Reverse reappeared on the field making its signature distorted screaming. "I normal summon Archfiend Marmot of Nefariousness. Next, Archfiend Reverse's special ability activates. You already know what it lets me destroy a card I control and forces you to also tribute a monster! I choose Archfiend Marmot! Now you choose!" Tsunozuka had already added a card from his hand from the effect of Pandemonium. [hider=Archfiend Vizier]Archfiend Vizier Level 3 DARK fiend-type tuner effect monster 100/100 If this card is Special Summoned by the effect of an "Archfiend" card, you can reveal 1 level 4 or lower "Archfiend" monster in your hand and Special Summon it. (Also, I'm retconning Archfiend Reverse's second effect so it only adds fiend-types and from his own graveyard. I don't know what I was thinking letting it add any card to the hand)[/hider] [@Scarifar] With no cards in his hand, the pro duelist shrugged. "Go ahead." he gestured to Carnel. [@Blight Bug] With Dokurorider's attack, Panik had jumped away from the castle, a silhouette. "Action Card, Miracle!" he declared. A puff of smoke appeared between Dokurorider Heisei and Palace of Dark Illusion, with the both of them still standing. Though there were no life points in this match, the force of losing lifepoints still hit the Player Killer of Darkness who shielded himself from the pain. "Is that all you've got?" he taunted, before drawing a card. "Remember the effect of Palace of Dark Illusions? There was a card that was set from its special ability. Flip Summon, Night Assailant! Night Assailant's Special Ability activates, allowing me destroy one of your monsters!" [hider=State of the Board] Player Killer of Darkness Side ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) MM (empty) - MM (empty) - MM (???, LZ) - MM (empty) - MM (empty, LZ) (Ghoulish Rider)EM[DOKURORIDER HEISEI?] [LINK PALACE]EM (Panik's) MM (empty) - MM (empty) - MM[EM/SW] (empty) - MM (empty) - MM[EM/SE] (empty) ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of Highway of Hell Side[/hider]