Constance followed the group in an uncommon, though not unwelcome, silence as their surroundings shifted from somewhat exotic to strangely familiar. There was a sort of tightness in her stomach, and with each step it churned and coiled. She felt like she was walking to her own execution, a slow march to a bloodied guillotine that had always been waiting for her since the start. She wanted nothing more than to dip out, to quietly slip away, but there was nowhere to run to and she simply stood out far too much to become part of the crowd. Grimacing, she gnashed her teeth in frustration. Never in her life had she expected to meet a Holloway, that is, other Holloways. “Here we are…” Constance froze at the bottom of the steps, staring up at the stone building, her eyes widening as they crossed the bronzed placard engraved with the name of Holloway upon it. She was looking at her own tomb. The others were already heading up; she had to move as well. If she fled now they would come up with their own stories, their own truths; worse still, they might come up with the actual truth. She could imagine the field day Luna and Edward would have, the relentless bullying that would follow. Even more horrifyingly, she could imagine them not reacting because they simply did not care one bit for her. Fine, then, she wouldn’t care either. Her eyes narrowed; her fist clenched. It was time. "Ah, look at that. The nose isn't quite right, hm...yes, the ears are a bit large too, I suppose. Still, no mistaking it. A Holloway, are you?" A wave of relief rolled over Constance, and her face brightened as she swallowed down laughter. No mistaking it, was there? Her eyes flitted between the two Holloways in the room, trying to find similarities between all of them. “Is it that obvious?” she said as she accepted the handshake from Maxine. She supposed they all dressed smartly, but besides that...well, it didn’t matter, did it? She was just thankful that Maxine was so quick to welcome her into the family. She’d even let the comment about her ears slide. An actual smile appeared on her face as Maxine told Constance that she kept the family name. Constance had to agree with the matriarch; it was better for business. In that moment Luna, Juliette, Edward, Collin, and Raymond all disappeared into the background, becoming nothing but static. Constance finally felt like she was reaching a comfortable place for the first time since she took the Drop. Of course, there was still much more to be done before she was completely secured, and until then she would tread lightly. She had done this before; she could do it again. Following the matriarch, Constance took a seat at the small table, set down her hat, and crossed her legs, listening as Maxine talked without letting her get a single word in. Some people, seriously. “This should call for a little celebration. Cousin, would you mind grabbing some wine for your grandmother and I?” said Constance, folding her hands on the table. As Arn shuffled off, she turned her gaze to Maxine. “I am Constance Holloway of the United Isles, sole proprietor of Holloway Heavy Industries and head explorer for the UINC.” A stretch of the truth, but not wholly inaccurate. She had just been the first to rush off on their one and only expedition. “There isn’t too much to say about my journey, massive storms and feral beasts and rabble rousers aside, but I am thankful that we found some civilization. Sailors seem to think that common manners and decency only apply when on land.” “I do have to say that I was quite shocked to find you here. The common belief back on the Isles is that the Devil Divers did not make it, although I never held that view. There was a Holloway involved, after all. Like you said, we tend to do well for ourselves.” She paused as Arn set down their glasses, treating him more as a waiter than as a cousin. It was white wine; she should’ve specified red, but there was no sense in sending him back to correct it. “So, Maxine,” said Constance as Arn slipped away into the ether, “is it just the two of you here? I imagine you are still running the company, then.”