[center][h3][color=0072bc][u]Cyrus Tucker[/u][/color][/h3][/center] The eruption of noises and cries of war were enough to pierce his eardrums. His eyes dilated once he mustered up the courage to open them. Towering infernos blazed across the skies, earthquakes with massive spiral stalagmites bursting from the ground and causing the disturbing creatures to sink into the depths of an abyss, tidal waves, lighting storms and a horizon of missiles all appearing out of nowhere. Helplessly adrift in the middle of an unfamiliar sky, looking down at the chaos, like some kind of omnipotent presence. Blinking with a nervous sweat dripping down to the tip of his nose, impulsively licking it off and tasting the salt. His heart was pounding, this couldn't be real but something compelled him to keep watching. This ongoing battle outstretched his field of vision, what was most concerning, was the appearance that it would never cease. [color=0072bc][i]"What on earth is happening here?"[/i][/color] Cyrus questioned. Suddenly, hearing a loud crashing sound. He nearly catapulted out of his bed, smashing the front of his forehead into the cymbal being held by his younger sister standing in middle of his bed. Letting out a yell before clutching his forehead, glaring up at the pleased grin of his sister. Quickly calming down and rubbing his tender forehead, glaring at her while still half asleep. "[color=0072bc]Why the hell are you on my bed?"[/color] [color=ed145b]"Waking you up, mom is gone and she told us to wait for you to wake up, so you could make us something to eat."[/color] She answered. Cyrus exhaled longingly and stood upright and grabbed his sister while she let out shriek followed by laughter as he mercilessly tickled her stomach. [color=ed145b]"Stop it! T-that tickles!"[/color] She pleaded through laughs. He smiled eventually stopping, then quickly pulling some clothes from his closet. [color=0072bc]"Alright, let me shower first. I'll make everyone the frozen pizzas."[/color] Cyrus replied in a casual demeanor throwing his outfit over his shoulder, glancing over to her. [color=ed145b]"Yay! Sorry for hitting your head."[/color] She quickly apologized, [color=ed145b]"Big bro is making pizza!"[/color] She called out while going through the hallway and down the stairs. He looked at himself into his mirror to inspect if he had any visible bump on his forehead, before pulling of his crumpled up bed sheets spotting something hidden beneath the sheets. Appearing to be some kind of small colorful plastic device. [color=0072bc]"What...is this?"[/color] He questioned staring at it but shrugged it off and carried that and his outfit into the bathroom down the hallway, closing and locking the door. Getting a shower prepared and dumping everything on the sink with the strange device resting on top. The hot water started pouring down while he stretched himself out, though relaxing his body, his mind was stuck analyzing the dream, it hadn't been forgotten like most normally would. He could still recall it in precise detail. [color=0072bc]"I've never had such a strange dream before..."[/color] He muttered softly, [color=0072bc]"Oh, what does it matter? I shouldn't get so worked up over nothing."[/color] He declared before massaging his scalp with sweet strawberry smelling shampoo. [color=f26522][b]"Cyrus! I need you to answer me!"[/b][/color] The thunderous voice called out of nowhere, causing him to accidentally collide the back of his head against the wall from his sudden movement. Blinding light flashed throughout the bathroom, vanishing as fast as appeared. Cutting his leisure time short, stepping out of the shower and searching for the voice that called out his name, before slightly groaning. [color=0072bc]"Well...at least the front of my head doesn't hurt anymore."[/color] Cyrus quietly uttered. [center][h3][u][color=a187be]Nicole Brooks[/color][/u][/h3][/center] [color=a187be]“That was a weird dream...”[/color] was the first thing Nicole thought. She concentrated on listening to a conversation coming from the other room that was barely audible, sitting up from the couch and wandering through the darkness without any trouble, having a familiarity with their living room. She continued onward, toward the light from the distant end of a familiar hallway. Pushing the door open letting out soft creaks before casually peaking inside, observing a woman with her back turned to her, currently on the phone. [color=f49ac2]"Yeah, she's still asleep. We stayed up all night and watched movies together. No, there's no trouble. She's a very sweet girl...I don't have a problem with you picking her after work, she can stay until the afternoon."[/color] The woman answered in a hushed voice while holding the phone to her ear. Nicole remained silent while turning her attention to the stove cooking something in a large graphite colored pot. Suddenly, the woman turned and greeted Nicole with a warm smile. [color=f49ac2]“Morning dear, I was just talking to your mother. You wouldn't mind spending some more time here until she got off work would you?”[/color] The woman asked. Nicole smiled and grabbed one the chairs and sat down. [color=a187be]“I had a dream last night...can I tell you about it?”[/color] Nicole asked still fixated on the imagery. The woman quickly lowered the heat, as her pot was beginning to boil over. [color=f49ac2]“Sure, dear.”[/color] The woman cheerfully replied, starting to stir with a large wooden spoon. What proceeded was an endlessly prolonged gabbing about Nicole's dream, every sentence had to explained with several others explaining how strange it was. Nicole practically couldn't help herself, until she was interrupted with a bowl of food placed in front of her, while both suddenly heard the doorbell ringing... [color=f49ac2]“I'll be right back dear.”[/color] The woman assured handing her some silverware and a glass of fruit juice. Nicole thanked her and started eating the bowl of chicken noodle soup, slurping the warm broth. Surprised when some peculiar device materialized from a ball of light that suddenly appeared from her, she recognized it from her dream. She grabbed it and starting fiddling with the buttons to turn it on. [color=a187be]“This was from my dream...it's even the same color...could my dream-be real?”[/color]