[b]The First Night...[/b] 'What the hell? This isn't where I fell asleep." Zack thought, picking himself up from the floor of the dilapidated building. He took a quick look around the room, at the torn away wallpaper, the couple of shattered windows, and the rusted metal bed frame of the bed he had just so abruptly got up from. A sense of dread washed over him. He had...been kidnapped. But by who? Was someone capturing 22 year old male college students and selling them as sex slaves? And if there was someone doing this...there were younger college students. Looking out the window, Zack could clearly see it was still night. He peered out the window, to see if anyone was around outside he could call to, to find there were no lights on to be found, aside from the light of a full moon. This was odd, as he saw this lack of lights where he saw plenty of buildings. He wondered where he could be, as this looked like an abandon town. Suddenly, he faintly heard footsteps coming from the area outside the door to the room he had woken up in. They seemed to be dragging their feet, then stomping with each step. Just then Zack felt something in his back pocket. In all of his pockets, in fact. His cell phone and his wallet were in the pockets he usually kept them in, but there was a third item in his back left pocket. He reached back, and felt a cloth-like encasing over something metal, and a wooden handle. It was his hunting knife! He put his back to the wall right next to the door, and, drawing his knife, prepared to ambush whoever was shambling toward the room.