[color=00aeef][i]<>[/i][/color] Hey all!! I'm terrible at these introduction thingies soooo - I've been RPing for a little over a year now, and mostly do fantasy/sci-fi type stuffs, so mostly the whole shifter/vampire/werewolf etc genres... however, I'm open to giving different things a go, so feel free to ask When it comes to myself I never know what to say so i'll just give you some random facts about li'l ol' me x3 1) I'm 23, female, from Bonnie Scotland (complete with random slang I may need to explain and IRN BRU) and named after one of our cities, Paisley. While I answer to just about anything, please, dear batman, don't shorten my name to Pais - only people I like too much to punch in the throat get to do this. 2) I'm obsessed with anything involving otters, pandas and octopuses (hence the name) Friends have noticed my weakness and found this the easiest way to win an argument with me... show me an otter pic and I break T^T. 3) My favourite colour is blue. Any blue, I'm not blue-ist, I'll love 'em all. 4)I'm currently studying Psychology and Sociology at college and planning to either further this to study Criminology as part of a forensic psychology course at Uni or take a teaching course (criminals or kids? Don't know which I'd rather) 5) I have a li'l floofer called Barney. He's a 4 year old cocker spaniel and he means the world to me. 6) I ADORE Stephen King novels, his are the only books that have ever genuinely scared me. No one else even comes close. 7) I can be quite superstitious about select things. Such as I never walk over three drains in a row - to me its bad luck. And I believe in ghosts. Also, I have 5 tattoos and I need to make this an even number... 8) Due to my dad's accent, whenever I get hyper or drunk, my accent turns Glaswegian (I'm from Edinburgh so the two are totally different.) 9) Now, I call myself a gamer, however (contrary to the annoying popular belief) just because I say I'm a fan of certain games (or even anime/tv shows) this does not in any way mean that I've seen/played them all. And THIS in no way makes me less of a fan :3 For instance, I adore the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games, however, I have not played every one. Let me do me, and you do you friend! 10) My only exception to the "you do you" rule: Pineapple on pizza freaks the bujeezuz out of me. Those of you who like it? Natural selection is watching... Anyway, that should be enough. Any questions, feel free :) [img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/d158/th/pre/i/2015/104/1/d/deadpool_vs_cloud_by_jmascia-d8iunin.png[/img]