[@SleepingSilence] I'm at a weird place when it comes to Transistor because I really only like The Spine because it's admirable in its attempt to just be Portishead and I love me some Portishead. And also I just think a lot of its fans (And also the Bastion crowd) are silly, silly people but thats not about music. So that said my other problem with Transistor's score is that removed from the game it loses what makes it effective in the first place. The Spine works okayish as a triphop sort of piece but the one posted is just sort of...dull and lifeless as far as the instrumentation goes and the vocals only manage to infuse a spark in what is otherwise a song that lost its soul. See the metaphor is that the game is the soul and the music is the heart and you need both to take a 2/5 song to like a 3/5. Which is why I'm giving it a 2/5 because while not terrible by any stretch it's also entirely forgettable on its own. Kind of like Transitor and Bastion and Supergiant as a studio. Disssssssssssssss. Oh and by the way [@TwelveOf8] don't feel the need to apologize. Though I feel maybe I should. In advance. Apologize for posting the best track ya'll can just stop [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kcF7E69C6Q[/youtube]