[@LiegeLord] Cecilia was on the edge of her seat, her breath at a standstill until she saw Neric lowering Lin to solid ground. From a logical standpoint, she knew that the girl was in good hands, so to speak. But she found it hard to be completely analytical during scenarios like these, her inexperience showing itself and her imagination always apt to present her with unhelpful glimpses at outcomes she'd most dread. This incident seemingly resolved, her fears alleviated momentarily as James turned back to her. He and his void handled the whole thing in an effective manner befitting superheroes as far as she was concerned, reminding her of the sheer amount of experience that must have been between them. Cecilia's amazement could not be overstated, not that she'd even try. She merely sat where she was, smiling gratefully up at James, happy that things didn't take a turn for the worse. Her respite wouldn't last long unfortunately for her, her train of thought from before the accident then returning to her. Cecilia had just about climbed three walls already, but she was far from feeling on top of the world. From where she was sitting earlier, stage four might as well have been a mountain. But now, after witnessing that potentially disastrous case of equipment failure, her misgivings towards further rock-climbing had gained a substantial edge over her pride. She looked tentatively over to Neric and particularly Lin, who seemed to be fairing well for someone who went through what she had. Cecilia, on the other hand, had had quite enough excitement for one day, and nothing less that the counselors' unholy wrath (or stern request) would prompt her to even attempt to finish. There was no small level of shame that came with that rationale, which complimented her aching body and post-exertion faintness almost perfectly. She timidly scooted further away from the edge so no one from lower levels could see her, gravitating instead to shade if there was any. Right now, she'd be glad just to walk down under her own strength.