Name: Tatsuya (Tatsu) Age: 24 Looks: [hider=looks][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Garuk has a personality that polarizes his intimidating appearance (he is 6'6). He is a rather brooding, reserved and taciturn man who opts to appeal for an analysis of a situation before acting, sometimes even overthinking things, but when he's in action there are few who can stop him. Faction: Mercenary S.P.E.C.I.A.L= S: 10 P: 6 E: 10 C: 3 I: 4 A: 10 L: 2 Backstory: Tatsuya, or Tatsu for short, was born into slavery. His mother was a Japanese slave who was raped by Tatsuya's father, a slaver. She was allowed to keep the child. She gave him the name of the creature that would prosper in this world; Tatsuya, or dragon and gave him the first 7 years of life before being sold into slavery. He was then raised in a military camp as teen, carrying heavy packages and other hard labor. Already very strong genetically, the hard labor made him even stronger When he found a bottle of buffout, he put his hopes into fighting in the arena for his freedom. He began sneaking extra food while taking the buffout to get even stronger, and when the time came he was 250 pounds of muscle and 6'6, perfect for fighting in the arena. He used his brute strength and size to win his battles in the arena, even beating veteran legionnaires and NCR soldiers. When he finally won his freedom, he decided to head as far West as he could walk. When he found himself in the brutal Mojave desert, he ran into a Caravan that needed a new guard. He was picked up by the Caravan and given a Power Fist and a .44 as a sign up bonus Weapon choice: Power Fist, .44 Perks (Add only three): Ninja, Slayer, Adamantium Skeleton 'Tagged' Skills (the skills you are strongest in; add only three unless you add a 'Weak Skill', see below): Stealth, Unarmed, Big Guns, Small Guns 'Weak' Skills (the skills you are weakest in, add only if you want more 'Tagged' Skills): Speech