[quote] 2. With power comes great fear. Or at least envy. Honestly not everyone in the world can choose to regrow that severed limb. Some are normal, run of the mill humans. Should you join the resistance or fight against it, the oppression will end one way or another. [/quote] I find this topic interesting, the entire thing, because to me the plausible dystopian future of cybertechnology and genetic alterations is not [i]too[/i] far flung and is engaging. Still an aspect of science fiction and fantasy, but there's a lot to be done with it. For that reason, I believe this provides the most engaging plotline for players. You can be either for or against it, or caught in the crossfire. There's that opportunity to look at the world and compare our current events in parallel to this. It can easily determine, by the actions of the players, any of the other outcomes. For that reason, that is in part why I am now watching this topic. I am curious, hoping really, for some ethical and moral dilemma to accompany some action and involvement.