"You think I enjoy grinding yer gears do ya? Well you ain't wrong, maybe I do get some kick out of it," Gage admitted with a barking laugh, "I just think its funny is all. You got this complex that you think you're better than them, but you and yours lost to them. Way of battle shows a lot and you know exactly how things turned out, seems kinda funny don't it?" Maybe Kensen was stronger now but a lot of good that did for him or his clan. The case with the Dimurans was fairly typical of how the world worked though and Gage had witnessed it plenty of times to understand what happened. The Princess and hers were stronger and won, got lazy with their laurels and got too comfortable while others kept getting stronger. Either that or the Princess was just a weakling. "It ain't about you runt, you're thinking way too highly of yourself if you think its about you. I'm just telling ya that you're wrong, you don't know Tali like I know her," Gage explained as they walked along. Glancing upwards towards the sky he smiled and reminisced about their times as bandits, before they got themselves mixed up in this mess. He was no Magi and frankly could care less what the Church did, but he'd follow Taliya to the ends of the world if that was her order, so he'd tagged along. "Sure she ain't the type to kill kiddies or anything but she's no saint either. But hey, you live in whatever fantasy makes you happy and keep telling yourself she's good. I didn't follow her because she's a good person, I followed her because she's a leader, that's that." As enthralling as their conversation was they'd have to put it on hold with Lionel suddenly popping up, he didn't want the pesky healer butting in on anything. Why was he even outside again? They had told him repeatedly to stay put in the compound and do his job yet he was always slipping out and running around Mutebo like an idiot. Ethan uttered a sincere thanks when his arm was fixed though he made no quick movements, afraid if he did he may just break it again. Cradling it across his chest he smiled at Nymira as she was offered to be healed as well only to question her when she turned it down. Why wouldn't she take the healing? He assumed it was a matter of pride and didn't press the matter, if she didn't want to be healed for whatever reason than that was her decision to make. Assuming Nymira was okay to keep going they should really go and check in on Cecil if he was awake. No doubt their friend had plenty of questions and it was only right they visit him while he was recovering. Kensen graciously allowed it and so off to the workshop they'd go. Slow moving due to Nymira's ankle still being injured but they got there in well enough time, and to his delight it seemed that Cecil was awake and all fixed. And surprisingly Amuné was present as well, he'd been wondering where she might be. Smiling at the Ydran girl as she came over he reached down with his good arm and pat her head, relieved to see she was doing well in their absence. "Yep! And good as new thanks to our new friend here!" Er... What was his name anyways? They hadn't gotten it come to think of it. "Adrian, his name is Adrian," Lionel explained, smirking as he reached up and pat Adrianna on the back, "Good ol' Adrian's back in town and is going to help you two get all patched up. After all as healers its our job to make sure everyone's healthy, isn't that right buddy?" Throwing in a wink just to add insult to injury he turned his attention to Cecil curiously, looking the Machina up and down and stepping closer to inspect him. How strangely lifelike he was, and how odd that he'd find something like him out here in Mutebo. Where had he come from? Was he smuggled in on a ship? With seemingly no regards for personal space or manners Lionel got as close as he could to Cecil without actually touching him, inspecting him until Norman loudly cleared his throat and suggested giving Cecil some space. "Oh, sure thing! Sorry, I was just curious," he explained with a smile to the Machina, "Very interesting stuff!" "Anyways... Cecil should be all repaired now. It's going to take an hour or so for the welds to completely cool but everything should be in order. Before you go let's get you hooked up to a station and recharge your cell, may as well top you off while you're here." The station in question was a bit crude, a cabinet with a charging module inside and a cable to plug into a Machina's power core, definitely outdated. He should probably put together a new one before he left Mutebo again. Waving Cecil along they went across the room to the station itself and Norman again opened his chest compartment, opening a small panel to access the charging relay and plugged in the machine. "It should only take a couple of minutes even with this old beater, just sit tight and we'll be done in no time." Cecil wasn't the only one in need of repairs judging by Nymira and Ethan's condition, just what had they been up to? If Lionel was with them then they should be fine, though his presence raised even more questions. All he'd come to Mutebo to do was fix some things and now he was finding himself questioning everything going on around him, what a headache. "Hey Cecil? I really didn't get a chance to say it before but I just wanted to thank you for earlier. You really saved us back there," Ethan said as he looked down at Amuné, smiling as he pet her head again, "It would have probably been a whole lot worse, so thank you. And I'm sorry you ended up hurt because of it, we'll be sure that doesn't happen again!" He needed to improve his magic and his overall ability to fight, these past few days had been proof of that. Training from the town guard was only going to get him so far out here and his training with Cedric, however helpful, wasn't enough either. Hopefully he could find someone here in Mutebo to train him. "Uh... So how are you feeling by the way? I don't think Machina feel pain do they? Are you doing okay?" Ethan asked uncertainly, "Anything we can do to help?"