The back-and-forth and constant sniping has been difficult on a few of us, especially after the Ultron shitstorm. Enki, like myself, comes from a group of players with a collective storyline and history over fifteen years in the making, where the JRPG elements people keep poking at Enki to clarify, quantify, or cull are accepted as standard parts of the toolkit. They've been grandfathered in by now, and certain players are more steeped in the old traditions than others. I could cull my weapons, Runes, and Materia easily enough; others don't have it quite so fortunate. I request patience and understanding, if any can be spared. The original Rosa profile is still available if it's requested, but Enki talks to us about the progress he's making over PMs with Mobius, and that progress has been slow and somewhat fraught. Ergo, a less objectionable profile offered to, as they say in Cancoun, "GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY".