I found it lol! We used this sheet, [hr][hr][center][h1]CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS[/h1][/center][hr][hr] [center][hider=Character Relationship Sheet][code][center][color=Choose a color][h1]CHARACTER'S NAME[/h1][/color][/center] [center] [b]Age:[/b] | [b]Ability:[/b] | [hr][hr]Friends ☺ | Romantic Interest ♥ | Neutral ◑ | Friends with benefits/flirtation/together ♥♥ | Enemies ☠[/center][hr][hr][center][h3][color=1E90FF][i]Character 1 II[/i][/color][/h3][i]"quote of thoughts"[/i] Thoughts on them in general [h3][color=FFA500][i]Character 2[/i][/color][/h3][i]"quote of thoughts"[/i] Thoughts on them in general [h3][color=A9A9A9][i]Character 3[/i][/color][/h3][i]"quote of thoughts"[/i] Thoughts on them in general [h3][color=C71585][i]Character 4[/i][/color][/h3][i]"quote of thoughts"[/i] Thoughts on them in general [h3][color=green][i] Character 4[/i][/color][/h3][i]"quote of thoughts"[/i] Thoughts on them in general [h3][color=DC143C][i]Character 5[/i][/color][/h3][i]"quote of thoughts"[/i] Thoughts on them in general [/center][/code][/hider][/center] [hr][hr] Filled out it looked like this, [hider=Character relationships][hr][hr]Friends ☺| Romantic Interest ♥ | Neutral ◑ | Friends with benefits/flirtation/together ♥♥ | Enemies ☠ [center][h3]♥[color=1E90FF] [i]Emmett Warde II [/i] [/color]♥[/h3][i]"He's cute even when he's angry and I can tell he likes me. Though I know if I dig too deep his infatuation will probably be over quickly."[/i] In Floure's eyes Emmett resembles the typical Traveler boy trying to prove himself a man. His cockiness and alpha male attitude along with his thirst for glory and adventure all remind her of the boys back home. But he is not a Traveler man because if he were he wouldn't have given her a second glance. She is a commonality among her people. Yet Floure caught him staring at her more than once. She finds it endearing and often can't keep from laughing at his angry outbursts, which thus far haven't been directed at her. The fact that he's always incredibly uncomfortable around her is something that never ceases to amuse her and it is a great source of entertainment. She winks at him when she catches him staring and when they gather around the fire at night she sits just a tad bit too close for his liking. Is it wrong to string him along for a bit? After all common folk never adjust well to Traveler life, they're just two different breeds. [h3] ☺ [color=FFA500][i]Othen Perelyn[/i][/color] ☺ [/h3][i]"He's really easy to manipulate and I bet he'll do anything I ask, which is exactly why I won't ask him for anything. I do have a conscience you know?"[/i] Floure thinks of Othen as a gentle giant. A simpleton in the good sense of the word. He's the one she plans on hiding behind during a brawl as he's nearly twice her height. They haven't spoken much yet in the week they spent together and Floure soon picked up that he's not much of a talker. She can appreciate his chosen silence but there are times when she just wants to drag him out of his tent and make him sing a Traveler song or something otherwise ridiculous. It would be good for him. The amount of food he can devour astonishes her, he even likes her cooking which is ill-famed for being too spicy or extremely salty. [h3] ☠ [color=A9A9A9][i]Rook Warde[/i][/color] ☠ [/h3][i]"He doesn't trust me and I don't trust him. I don't see that changing in the near future. I mean why did he even want me to come along? "[/i] Before joining the expedition Floure dug up as much information as she could on the man who was going to lead them. What she found she did not like, not at all. The truth was somewhere amongst the rumors. Most of the them she found hard to believe and even with her uncanny sense of finding out the truth she has no clue who he really is and what he's done before joining the crew. He's distrustful of her when he's the one with all the secrets! What a hypocrite...... Perhaps he just despises her people, the hatred for the Traveling mongrel people is after all widespread. All she needs from him is to get them to Mother nature's palm so she can get what she's looking for. She'll make sure he stays alive until they're there but nothing more. [h3][color=C71585] [i]Floure Camlo[/i] [/color][/h3][i]"I have to do this for him but I've never done anything on my own. What if I don't make it back in time?"[/i] Floure's biggest mistake is the fact that she severely underestimated this expedition. She'll be away from her family for a long time for the first time in her life. Eventually this will lead to her becoming incredibly homesick as her life and character are largely defined by and intertwined with her Traveler family. Life on the road and life in the scorching heat of the dessert are entirely different. There are no supply wagons, no rivers nearby to gather water to bathe, no forests to gather medicine and food. She's traveled through and lived in the desert before but not without the comforts of her wagon and caravan. Will the image of her fatally ill brother be enough to keep her going? [h3]☺[color=green][i] Grace O'Faolain[/i][/color]☺[/h3][i]"If I could just snatch a few of her copper hairs, I can use them for my lucky charms. Not many girls back home have that kind of hair, I would just love to dress her up real nice."[/i] Grace, the way she talks, walks, acts is all just so foreign to Floure. It is as if the young redhead was raised by men, perhaps she didn't have any sisters or her mother passed when she was young, or maybe she left Grace's father. She'd like to think the latter. Whatever the case Floure can't get enough of watching her talk down to anyone who gives her crap and she's not afraid of a fist fight either. She proves that a woman can be more than what men descided they should be. The fact that she defies sailor superstition about women only adds to Floure's idiolization of Grace. She admires Grace and wants to be more like her, to fight her own battles, beat up anyone who bothers her. She can wind men around her finger just fine and have them fight for her but that's not the way Grace handles life. [h3]◑ [color=DC143C][i]Cillian O’Houlihan[/i][/color] ◑[/h3][i]"Cillian frightens me a little bit......or maybe that's not the right word. He's intimidating and also quite immune to my charms. I don't know how to act around him, I feel like I have to hold in my breath all the time."[/i] Being in Cillian's presence makes Floure nervous and uncharacteristically quiet. She's gone through considerable effort to avoid being alone with him which is quite impossible as she's tasked with caring for their health. Yet as dangerous as she feels he is she doesn't think he's evil in any way. Something tells her she will need to get to know him better first, if she doesn't want to be scared of him for the entirety of the expedition. [/center][/hider] Maybe I went a bit overboard with this XD