*flops over* I FINALLY finished the Act I summary! Had less free time at work to sneakily get onto the google Doc and edit it than I thought I would, so I had to do it after work when I got home...thereforeeee artwork shall be added intermittently as I finish them haha I figured everything that happened after the original Alliance forces surrendered and Saresh came to negotiate could be counted as the Act I/II "interlude"? Will fill that in quickly tomorrow haha if I'm feeling even nerdier I might try and work out dates to add to the summary as well, but we'll see how that goes XD I was going to attempt to construct some kind of representation of Renso's genealogies to put on that page, but I'm not so sure I could make that work out when it comes to putting specific relatives in for everyone without making them weirdly inter-related somehow XD