[@Zepavil] "I'm the one whose supposed to be master of archfiends! Nobody has this card, Archfiend Reverse, which has won me more games than I can count. Like I said, I'm the one true user of archfiends! You're just some poser!" Tsunozuka bantered. "Battle!" he screamed. "Archfiend Reverse, destroy his face-down monster!" [@Blight Bug] "Because of the effect of Palace of Dark Illusions, my monsters can return to the shadows. I flip Night Assailant face-down once more. Then, I set another card face-down. I'll activate the card Yellow Luster Shield!" he declared. His monsters could not be seen, but there was certainly something lurking underneath his palace of Dark Illusions. Surrounding the castle was a pale, yellow forcefield. "I'm not done yet! I'll set one card and end my turn!" he said. There was one card in his hand. [hider=State of the Board] Player Killer of Darkness Side Hand: 1 card ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (YL Shield) - ST (???) - ST (empty) MM (empty) - MM (empty) - MM (???, LZ) - MM (empty) - MM (???, LZ) (Ghoulish Rider)EM[EMPTY] [LINK PALACE]EM (Panik's) MM (empty) - MM (empty) - MM[EM/SW] (empty) - MM (Dokurorider Heisei) - MM[EM/SE] (empty) ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) - ST (empty) Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of Highway of Hell Side[/hider] [@Scarifar] "Good!" Manjoume applauded with his then empty hand. "Now you have a monster on the field and the only monster I have has zero attack points. After that attack, I'm at a measly 200 life points. If I can draw a monster though, I might be able to turn this one around right? All monsters in this deck have 0 attack. Does that mean I'm cocky? Probably." He bantered. "Draw!" he declared. "A friend of mine's, he used to always draw the right card at the right time. Well, all but once I can remember, but that's a story for later. I'll activate the spell card, Fusion Recovery. It allows me to add one monster used as a fusion material and one polymerization from my graveyard to my hand." The duelist apparently swatted away at the air. "Yeah yeah. I get it." he seemed to talk to himself. "Sorry. I discard Ojama Yellow using the effect of Ojama Country, allowing me to special summon Ojama King back from the graveyard! Our attack and defense point values are now reversed. Battle. Snowman Eater, attack his Spell Striker! Ojama King, attack his life points directly!" "Because of Spell Striker's effect, I take zero Battle Damage from Snowman Eater's attack," Carnel explained after Spell Striker got eaten and destroyed. However, he had no further defenses against Ojama King, taking the full 3000 damage. "Go ahead."