Character: Steve Level: 1 Day/Time: Day Two; Noon Location: Barrel Roll Pub Tag: [@Crosswire][@DracoLunaris][@Guardian Angel Haruki] Mention: [@Holy Soldier]'s NPCs Steve smiled at the pair of men, listening to their answers. He noticed a girl walk in and thought she might have some answers too. Or maybe she's looking for answers? Once Jack finished with his story, Steve nodded. "A letter from a cloud? I don't remember how I got here. However, that pretty girl over there looks like she needs help." With no more words, Steve stood and approached the girl. "Hey. I'm Steve. You new in town or do you already know what's going on?" He motioned for her to have a seat with them, smiling. "These guys started answering my questions. Maybe they can answer yours too. What's your name?"