[center][hider=1][b]Name[/b]: [color=4169E1]'Blue'[/color] [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Personality[/b]: Straightforward and cold, 'Blue' is particularly blunt in his reasoning and ruthless in his logic. Dominated by a twisted sense of justice, 'Blue' believes himself to be on a divine mission involving the Babel Rook and will let nothing stand in his way. From time to time, he will converse with a being he believes to be guiding him on his righteous path; though its existence has never been confirmed by another. He cares little for the lives of others, usually weighing them as inadequate sinners, and will eliminate those he views as 'evil' without hesitation. [b]Abilities[/b]: [color=4169E1][i]Chosen One[/i][/color]: 'Blue' is possessed of extraordinary willpower which can, at times, interfere with the very fabric of Babel Rook its self. This willpower allows him to overwrite localized 'data' and create an isolated 'realm' where he determines the rules. He claims that these rules are chosen by 'Her', the entity whom he serves unerringly. His personality will not allow the rules to give him an unfair advantage, making each encounter something of a test of wits...as well as skill. [b]Motivation[/b]: Justice and 'Her'. [b]Relevant Notes[/b]: It should be noted that 'Blue' is not the primary personality of the body that he inhabits. A strange accident has left his host, Zachary Kyles, with an unwitting dual-life. By day, he is a normal student; outgoing and of a cheery demeanor. Once free of the trappings of daily activities, 'Blue' overcomes Zach; donning a strange garb and taking up his 'sword' to contend in the Babel Rook competition. 'Blue', himself, has a fixation on the three-week time period leading up to this event; believing that they key to his quest is obtainable somewhere during that frame. He has won the Babel Rook competition four times, consecutively; in his native reality. His wish will return him and the others three weeks in the past. The cycles perpetuated by 'Blue' tend to have anomalistic properties and incursions.[/hider] [hider=2][b]Name[/b]: [color=FF69B4]Maya Agato[/color] [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Personality[/b]: Shy and reserved, she has become somewhat 'subliminally damaged' by the events of Babel Rook. Deeply caring and loyal, she can find herself often acting in the best interests of others; believing her own needs to be largely tertiary. Standing at the precipice, though, it should be noted that Maya has a rather easy time choosing her life over that of another. While she tries her best to be friendly, her sometimes awkward and soft demeanor can make her a target for the more vicious. [b]Abilities[/b]: [color=FF69B4][i]Mending Nimbus[/i][/color]: Maya is capable of healing herself, or others in an extremely short amount of time. While the primary function of this ability is to make whole that which was broken, it can also solidify its self from the usual cloak of mist that hangs about her to form a resilient shield against both magical and physical attacks. The Mending Nimbus, when used on others, tends to sap Maya's energy at a rapid rate. [b]Motivation[/b]: Survival and returning home. [b]Relevant Notes[/b]: Maya has won the Babel Rook competition twice, but has made the same wish at the end of both. Due to this, she does not retain any memory of what has transpired during the days she and the others were summoned to the Babel Rook. People often underestimate her will to live. With her wish, she has chosen to inadvertently force a reiteration of the competition just completed; without her memories.[/hider] [hider=3][b]Name[/b]: [color=BC8F8F]Alexandra Biggs[/color] [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Personality[/b]: Hotheaded and prone to fits of petulance, 'Alex' is the type of person who is convinced she is always right. Even when proven wrong, she will continue to argue or fight sheerly out of stubbornness. She is extremely proud and, at times, outright arrogant. 'Alex' tends to be open with people, but only to make a point. She despises others, for the most part, and believes heavily in self-reliance. [b]Abilities[/b]: [color=BC8F8F][i]Volatile Wrath[/i][/color]: A heavy hitter, through and through, Alexandra's ability is focused on the most scathing of basic elements. Fire bends to her will, spontaneously generated or pulled from a pre-existing source, and becomes transmogrified into a gelatinous nightmare. Coupled with her up-close style of fighting, [i]Volatile Wrath[/i] makes a terrifying addition to countless flurries of punches and kicks. The uncanny nature of her flame will often leave entire rooms burning for hours after she has moved on. [b]Motivation[/b]: Becoming stronger and the thrill of battle. [b]Relevant Notes[/b]: 'Alex' is, in her 'normal' life, a part-time bartender and part-time underground combatant. She has won the Babel Rook competition three times, using each wish to change the parameters and nature of the competition. While most would consider her brutish in her actions, there is an underlying slyness in each of her movements. Her wish will change the overarching goal of the Babel Rook competition.[/hider] [hider=4][b]Name[/b]: [color=ADFF2F]Yuuki Mizushima[/color] [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Personality[/b]: Jovial and laid-back, Yuuki tends to play things far from the heart. Conflicted and deeply troubled, he does his best to maintain composure and do what he feels is the right thing. A long-time competitor in Babel Rook, he has been somewhat tormented by his experiences. Despite this, he does his best to find other solutions to the puzzle that constantly seems to be set before him. While he enjoys meeting new people and talking, quite a lot, he finds it difficult to become attached beyond a certain point. In his 'normal' life, he is simply a slacker; drifting about and trying to find something to bring him a small measure of peace. [b]Abilities[/b]: [color=ADFF2F][i]Unlikely Hero[/i][/color]: While his ability does not directly manifest unless necessary, Yuuki has a rather powerful Guardian Spirit. A manifestation of his subconscious desires, the Spirit will often interfere with events to sway them in his favor. Many would attribute it to 'dumb luck', but Yuuki does have a certain degree of control over the actions of his Guardian Spirit. When manifested, the Guardian Spirit takes a more direct approach; engaging Yuuki's foes with a balanced style of combat, blending mid-tier magic with considerable physical attacks. [b]Motivation[/b]: Freedom and a normal life. [b]Relevant Notes[/b]: Yuuki is deeply distraught with his constant returns to the Babel Rook. He has won seven competitions, but is a seeming favorite of the entity that governs the tower. He can not come to terms with the things he has been forced to do. His wishes have been fairly selfish, until the most recent. Wishing destruction on the Babel Rook and its governing entity may have unforeseen consequences.[/hider] [hider=5][b]Name[/b]: [color=BA55D3]Gardenia Treyja[/color] [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Personality[/b]: Persistently analytical and perpetually deadpan, Gardenia is often seen as humorless or cold by those around her. While she does favor simple practicality, she cares for how much a solution benefits everyone involved. A quick-witted girl, by most accounts, Gardenia often uses subtle means to achieve what she believes to be the prime outcome. Manipulation is something she employs often. [b]Abilities[/b]: [color=BA55D3][i]Sight Thief[/i][/color]: Gardenia's ability is particularly focused on manipulating the perceptions of her target. Whenever utilized, she must make direct eye-contact with the intended 'victim'. Once brief contact has been established Gardenia is capable of manipulating what her target sees, predominately. While it can warp other senses, these illusions are nearly gossamer and easily dispelled by those of sufficient will. This ability has also allowed Gardenia to more easily ascertain the nature of magic-based abilities, making her something of a fearsome high-tier magic caster. [b]Motivation[/b]: Understanding and resolving the mysteries of Babel Rook. [b]Relevant Notes[/b]: Gardenia is a first time victor, despite the entity seeing her as otherwise. In her 'normal' life she is a devoted student, with few hobbies. It can be safely assumed that her wish is multi-faceted and is intended to deceive the governing entity of Babel Rook. The results may be tumultuous.[/hider] [hider=6][b]Name[/b]: [color=FFD700]Albert Grant[/color] [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Personality[/b]: Usually silent, a veil of manufactured apathy separates Albert from the world. Sleepy eyes and non-committal responses are his forte, though behind them he is purely machinations. Constantly searching for the weaknesses and cherished things of those around him, Albert enjoys watching others suffer. [b]Abilities[/b]: [color=FFD700][i]Shadow Play[/i][/color]: Albert's shadow is his secondary weapon, coupled with surprise attacks and dirty tactics. It is capable of detaching and moving of its own volition, though unable to defy Albert's will. The shadow its self adopts a razor-sharp aspect and is used with haunting precision to slowly wear away at its foes. Albert uses his shadow to complete his dire work from relative safety and will only reveal his ability should the need arise for him to work directly with his shadow to fell an opponent. [b]Motivation[/b]: Entertainment. [b]Relevant Notes[/b]: Albert has been the victor of twelve Babel Rook competitions, across four different realities. He is completely without empathy or remorse, but capable of imitating these emotions (and others) when the need arises. His most recent wish will augment his [i]Shadow Play[/i] into something truly terrifying, granting him a new advantage when the next competition begins. In his 'normal' life, Albert works as a freelance photographer.[/hider] [/center] Alright, so there's [s]three[/s] [s]four[/s] [s]five[/s] all of the Hours. I might put up some more information, later. As a note, their labeling here does not denote their Hour designation within their respective Babel Rook iteration. They are simply labeled in the order at which the character concepts and subsequent wish-results came to mind. I've also opted to leave out appearances. For now. Edit: Made sure to include a direct line about what the Hours' wishes may entail in each mini-CS. Figure that's pretty relevant, so I wanted to give at least a hint as to what will follow.