Strange way to look at it. Not everyone had a choice. Will wasn't so sure about that. He had been an orphan and he had made his way. But then again, he did have the Governor provide a bit of help getting him an apprentice. His mind went back to the young man he saw on his way in. Had he really grown up that way? He didn't know for sure but why would she lie? Technically, she could have said that to garner some sympathy but it didn't seem to fit. In fact, Will had a feeling that it probably was true. Not everyone was fortunate enough to have someone who could give them a leg up. The world could be a harsh place. Sometimes it kicked you down and there was no one there to help you. If what Vivienne said was true though, she had been there and given the young man what he needed. Despite the fact that she brought him into the world of thievery and crime. "So you saved him from one press gang and brought him into a world where he'd get the noose if he is caught." Despite the words, there was no bite in them. Heading over, Will sat down. He glanced at Vivienne. So she had met Abigail. In all honesty, he really didn't focus that much attention on Elizabeth's cousin. His eyes were on Elizabeth only. Oh he knew Abigail and remembered her but she was more of a minor add on that he couldn't even honestly say what color her eyes were. It was a bit sad but then again there was nothing wrong with it either. Except for the fact that this woman pirate seemed to have a bit idea on Abigail then he did. "Yes, Ms. Ashe does have spirit." He knew that much. Besides, she was the cousin to Elizabeth. She had to have some spirit. The ship swayed slightly on the waves. Will rubbed his face with his right hand and then looked at Vivienne. He raised an eyebrow at her comment. "Empowerment huh?" He shook his head. "So we beat Low to this Nassau and rescue Abigail? And you believe she'll survive long enough to get there?" This was crazy. Why was he even taking her at her word? She was a pirate? Despite her talk, she wouldn't be in it unless it brought her something of value. And honestly, his helping her escape held no bearing now. She had a crew and could do what she wanted. Deciding to bring it back to the topic of survival, he stared at Vivienne. "So was that what brought you into piracy? Survival? Were you like, Jim? Press ganged into it?" He was a bit curious actually. Besides, knowing her intent in becoming a pirate could possibly help him gauge who she was. Know one's enemy. That was important.