[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/55mqqgo.png[/img][/center] Meat hooks. The words were enough to conjure up images of a violent clash, one that ended with Cade looking like he'd been reeled in by a dozen angry fishermen. [color=f08080]"Damn, sounds like you and your partner had one hell of a mission. It makes our mission in Alaska sound like a piece of cake, right Kayla?"[/color] The wince on her friend's face told her enough, so she continued speaking to Cade without so much as skipping a beat. [color=f08080]"Your partner's right though, you should eat something. Nothing a good ol' bowl of mac and cheese can't fix."[/color] Audrey caught Kayla narrowing her eyes at her. Okay, mac and cheese couldn't magically heal Cade's wounds, but the guy had to eat if he wanted to regain his strength and get back to tip top shape. Plus, if she were in his shoes, she was guessing she'd take food over being coddled on any day of the week. [color=f08080]"I can grab you something if there's anything else you want to eat - holy shit."[/color] She'd been doing a great job at ignoring the fight, but that flew out the window the moment people started dropping like flies. Audrey didn't quite understand what had happened, but was relieved to see that bone lady and the guy who'd been helping her had managed to leap back and avoid the same fate. "This isn't going to end well," Kayla muttered. [color=f08080]"Mhm, some people are gonna get their asses kicked, that's for sure. Did you guys see what happened?"[/color] Before Audrey could say anything, else a higher up came waltzing in, and with a sweep of his blade, practically sent people crashing through the ground. A shock wave rippled through the cafeteria knocking plates and other objects off their respective tables. Audrey could only stare in horror as her mac and cheese lied spilled and dirtied on the floor. Things were horrible enough, but to add insult to injury, some Asylum appeared out of nowhere and attached herself to Audrey like some baby koala. "Uh... hey? Do you want anything?" Audrey's first instinct was to prepare herself in case the tiny girl decided she wanted to duke it out or whatever, but Rena only showed sweet intentions and Audrey didn't quite know how to respond. [color=f08080]"Kayla? Cade? Is she a friend of yours?"[/color] [i]"...all the assisting teams are being called to the debriefing room, kindly make your way there now."[/i] Audrey let out a loud groan. Getting sent on another mission the day after her return was bad enough, being stuck with a tiny human clinging to her arm was worse. She was just about to shake her arm free when a voice called out to the girl beside her. [i]"But she is so tiny, I can totally keep her in my drawer...[/i] Did the kid just call her tiny? Audrey wanted to scream. Kayla, sending the tension, gave her friend her most soothing smile. "You should get going, Aud." Audrey responded with a deep breath. She was taller than Rena! She was pretty sure of that! Ignoring Kayla, she leaped to her feet so she could get a better look at their height difference. The result was saddening. "Aud?" Kayla called out again. [color=f08080]"I'm not little!"[/color] "You're going off topic." [color=f08080]"I'm taller than her!"[/color] Sighing, Kayla turned to Angel and Rena and mustered up a smile. "Sorry about that, she gets a little defensive."