[center][i][b]Artemis O'Connor - Gym[/b][/i][/center] Raising her arm, she indicated she was ready. After being given the OK, Artemis started her approach, picking up speed as she ran. High jump was always one of her best disciplines and right now she was attacking a 160 centimeters bar. She always made it here, but then it was more of a roll of a dice whether she would pass or not. It annoyed her to no end that something so important for this such as her height was not in her control and something she could improve... Well unless you experimented with platform boots, but that reeked of broken ankles and wasn't exactly sporty. She watched the blasted bar approach, laughing her straight in the eyes which were level with it. With a grunt of effort she flopped herself over, and things started happening. She wasn't sure what it was that she was seeing. IT looked like some sort of large, red draconic robot. It seemed to be in a fight with a creature full of bright colors - to which it was losing badly. One blow later, the large robot thing split into a tiny purple dragon and a human woman of all things. Both of them slammed into the ground, and the human seemed to look at her directly, and spoke with a thick russian accent: [color=6ecff6]"Tis up too yoo now."[/color] Then the other creature approached, raised it's foot and- -Artemis slammed onto the mat, the pole falling form the stands and giving her a good whack on the head for good measure. What the heck?! Random insane visions were not allowed to mess up her performance! What was that even- The girl shook her head and went bakc to try another time. It was not to be. The weird vision burdened her thoughts and she was unable to focus enough, failing the jump two more times and falling out of the competition. What finally made her think that her head was wrong in some way was when she found a strange phone in her locker. She wondered briefly whether to take it ot to give it to lost and found, but curiosity nagged at her enough to look if anyone was looking in her direction and then drop it into her bag and head home.