[h1] [color=Fuchsia] [center] Katya [/center] [/color] [/h1] [hr] Leading a squad on infiltration was something Katya had never done before. Nore had she been given training for it, and that made her nervous; she was aware once inside the Cruxi station there was no backup. That a single mistake, heck even a wrong turn. Could lead those under her commander to a very timely death or worse capture, the latter scaring Katya just a little. It was that small amount of fear that gave Katya focus as she commanded the team take out the CWM sentries quickly as possible. If anything Katya wanted to be in and out of the base in the shortest amount of time possible. So she directed those under her command to show now mercy. To take out any Cruxi that engaged them by the quickest means possible. Before they could call in backup or surround them. Entering the hanger, Katya was quick to order the distraction of the unmanned Cruxi mechs. She figured a base like this would have sensors so would have detected her team by now. Failing that surely one of the Cruxi workers or soldier running around bellow them would surely one of them would raise the alarm before too long. So in her mind, it was better to take out the mechs while manned. Better now then leaving them for the Cruxi to man the mechs use against them. Once they mechs were dealt with Katya ordered the team forward. Katya personally not care how many Cruxi she stepped on. Although didn’t go out of her way to crush the panic Cruxi under Caretakers feet. Moving though hanger into corridors. Katya lead her team down into the depths of the base. Taking out the odd Cruxi mech which surprised Katya thinking even if the base was under attack they divert at least some troops to deal with the intruders. Katay still holding onto the thought that Cruxi knew that they had intruders. As they reach laboratory area Katya order the squad to halt. Muttering a few curse words under her breath. As she looked down one of the corridors that was too small for a werk to fit. Scanning it, she saw the metal was weak enough for a werk to force its way down one of these small corridors. Aware if the Cruxi where keeping Elora alive then this was the place it would be it more then lucky would be here. Katya feeling frustrated she started to try and think of another option as having her team split up and force themselves down small corridors sounded like a bad idea. If the Cruxi caught them whoever was in the corridor was have nowhere to go. But before Katya could think of anything Mia, no Seven asked if she could her leave werk to proceed on foot. [color=Fuchsia]“Denied. You are to remain in your werk.”[/color] Katya ordered, her tone sounding annoyed. She didn’t need to be dealing with Seven or Mia doing some unnecessary heroics. It only would only distract her from the task at hand. Still, in this once instance, it served to help Katya think of an idea. If the werks could not fit then, they could use the drones or more, in particular, Jakes recon drones. Katya thinking from the name such a drone should be quick with good range. Unlike hers. Even if she could extend the range, her drones were not built to be quick, and by the sound of it, Cruxi were starting to close on the team's location. Meaning her drones might be needed to assist the team if those Cruxi caught up with them. [color=Fuchsia]“Jake deploy recon drones. Send them down the corridors. We can use them to check each area quickly. At the moment we are prioritising the recovery of Elora. Everyone all other captives are to be considered secondary. You to need to be quick. Understood.”[/color] Katya instructed, thinking for a moment. [color=Fuchsia]“Seven, Serah. The metal that makes the corridors is weak. Your werks should be able to force themselves down it. If you think can do so without badly damaging you werks to badly or somehow make the fit. You're free to aid Jake otherwise. You’ll assist me in setting up a defensive line, if the Cruxi reach us before Jake can find Elora, then we’ll need to buy him time.”[/color] Katya instructed, finishing off with deploying her attack drones. Commanding them, to take defensive positions. Katya doing the same turned Caretaker to face the direction the noises were coming from. Aiming Caretakers rifle in the same direction, ready to engage any Cruxi that came.