[center][Color=gold][b]Pilot[/b][/color] [hider=Arik] [Color=gold][H1]ARIK FREDERICK GANTZ[/h1][/color] [Img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/28/59/a2/2859a23e9c8a0e6e9483d1ca88b49d40.jpg[/img] [Img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/79/48/9b/79489bf465947b0096f433ec14295c45.jpg[/IMG] (Not one for subtlety, Arik has painted all the metal of his armor golden. The fabric is black to provide contrast.) [Color=gold][b]Age[/b][/color] 27 [Color=gold][b]Gender[/b][/color] Male [Color=gold][b]Height[/b][/color] 6' 3" [Color=gold][b]Weight[/b][/color] 217lbs [Color=gold][b]Faction[/b][/color] Apex Predators [Color=gold][b]Gear[/b][/color] [U]Spitfire LMG[/u] HCOG Ranger Extra Ammo Speedloader [u]B3 Wingman Elite[/u] Ricochet Speedloader [u]Charge Rifle[/u] Charge Hack Extra Ammo [u]Stim[/u] [U]Kit One[/u] Power Cell [U]Kit Two[/u] Hover [Color=gold][b]Backstory[/b][/color] Arik was born on a planet under IMC jurisdiction, and quite enjoyed the life this afforded him. It was a peaceful world, though one on the border of the Militia's influence. Having learned for a long time of their ways, Arik disliked the rebels, wanting from a young age to join the IMC. He had always idolized pilots, and their giant machines. A time came when the Militia brought war to his planet, and the IMC showed up to defend it. During the battle, Arik's home city suffered heavy casualties, growing his resentment for the Militia. This war had offered him one thing however; a chance to join in the fight against these pieces of scum. At sixteen he was already very fit physically, and believed he would be able to keep up with the soldiers. Ignoring his mother's pleas, Arik ran into the fray, picked up a rifle from a fallen soldier, and began fighting. It wasn't long before a commander noticed this boy, barely a man fighting a war. Once the battle settled, this commander, a member of the Apex Predators, confronted Arik, bringing him back on board their ship. Here he was congratulated on his valiant effort, and offered a place in the mercenary crew. Arik gladly accepted, and left the planet without so much as a goodbye. He was trained and became a fearsome soldier, quickly being recognised for his skill. It was a few years after that Arik was offered the chance to be trained as a pilot. He gladly accepted this opportunity, and the intensive training began. He picked up on the skills fast, mastering jumpkit training in under a month. It was then on to training on how to actually operate a Titan, an experience Arik relished. Once this training had been completed, Arik was given his Titan, a Legion model designated LX-1013. It wasn't long before Arik began to make this machine his own, customizing the paint job to his liking. A year later, and Arik was on the battlefield once more, fighting the Militia in a war machine all his own. It was here on the battlefield he met Alexia Katinka, another pilot with the Apex Predators. The two fought alongside each other, coming out nearly unscathed. After the battles planetside, they got to know one another, and quickly fell in love. It wasn't long before they got married. Since then they fought as a team whenever they were deployed. Arik took it so far as to have a brain scan performed on her, which he used to model a new AI for his Titan, which he had named after her. This was all the more painful for Arik however, when Alexia was killed inside her Titan by the Militia. The shock caused Arik to black out, and not even he knows what deeds he performed to crush the battalion that had murdered his wife. The only known fact is that he got out of his Titan and removed his helmet at one point, as when he returned to the ship his face had been terribly scarred. All he had left of her was his AI, which he continued his love with as a coping mechanism. Since then, Arik has held an extreme grudge against any in the Militia, and takes every opportunity to destroy them.[/hider] [Color=gold][b]Titan[/b][/color] [hider=Alexia][Color=gold][h1]ALEXIA[/H1][/color] [IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/14vgwp4.jpg[/IMG] [Color=gold][b]Model[/b][/color] Legion Prime [Color=gold][b]Designation[/b][/color] LX-1013 [Color=gold][b]Nickname[/b][/color] Lex [Color=gold][b]Tactical Kit[/b][/color] Turbo Engine [Color=gold][b]Legion Kit[/b][/color] Bulwark [Color=gold][b]Decoration[/b][/color] Arik has kept his Legion painted with the standard gold Legion Prime warpaint, adding eight deep blue "eyes" to the faceplate. Directly beneath the seam of the faceplate he has painted the black mandibles of a spider, each tipped with a green droplet. Arik's Legion has been fitted with an AI based on the mind of his late wife.[/hider] [Color=gold][b]Other[/b][/color] Arik is voiced by Steve Blum's Spike Spiegel voice. Alexia is voiced by Jen Taylor's Cortana voice. [/Center]