Sherlock nodded. He came over to Liam and the shiny Charizard. Liam turned to Shiranui. He handed him Smaug's Luxury Ball. "Once he's calmed down, meet us the Fuchsia City Pokémon Center." With that Sherlock teleported away with Liam, Blissey, and the inhured Charizard. *** Joy was shocked to turn the corner and suddenly see them. She asked what happened and Liam replied that they do not have time for him to explain, shes going to die if they don't do something quickly. A pair of Chansey from the center pushed out a gurnie that could support the Lizard Pokémon abd pushed her into the OR. Joy insisted that they go to the waiting room. She could tell that they were both exhausted from trying to save the Charizard.